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Virgil watched as Roman sat down on the bed, this lost look in his eyes, that tore at the human's heart. Roman just smiled, albeit sadly as he glanced up to see Virgil's concerned expression. 

"There's no need for you to feel bad, Virgil. I wasn't expecting it but... I'm not surprised you asked me." Virgil frowned as Roman just fidgeted with his hands clearly not comfortable about it all but not shying away. "Go ahead, Doll. I told you before. You can ask me anything."

"The hunter child..." Roman visibly tensed, his eyes flashing, as Virgil cautiously walked further in. "What happened?"

"I'm just going to say it to... get it out of the way... I killed his parents." Virgil's face fell as Roman looked away, almost as if he was ashamed to admit it. "I killed them."

"I assumed as much." Roman grimaced badly as his shoulders tensed over his nerves. "Roman, please explain it to me?"

"It was another hunter party, like the one that went after Patton, just... bigger." Virgil nodded trying to coax Roman along as he inched his way closer to the bed, giving the other plenty of time to tell him to stop if he needed to. "Much... much bigger. It was after me that time so... they had as many people as they could get since I am a much stronger vampire." Virgil sat down beside him noticing how Roman flinched at the action but he didn't mention it. He understood Roman was reeling over everything. He didn't have to feel the other's emotions like Roman did him to know he was scared. "I had left the castle for a while. I wanted to gather intel about things... maybe even learn more about the humans since it had been a while for me. But..."

"The hunters caught wind?" Roman nodded as he shifted slightly so he was facing ahead of him and not slightly over at Virgil.

"When I realized they were after me, I ran but... It wasn't soon enough. They chased me... I seriously HATE hunters." Virgil tried not to let that get to him but even still he felt that subtle stab to his chest and he sighed. "I killed the whole group to get them off my back. I couldn't lead them to the castle. And yes I know I could have just run off but... They were hunters and I was pissed. I couldn't just let them chase me off without a fight. They would have killed me if given the chance."

"Roman, it's ok." Roman flinched again making Virgil frown as he took the other's hand startling him. Roman's eyes darted to his in surprise as Virgil tried to offer him a smile. "It's ok. Did you forget how I got here... what led us to this? I understand why you would have done it. I want to know more about the child."

"I just..." Roman's eyes dazed out a bit as Virgil squeezed his hand hoping to ground him. "I just wanted to get that all out of the way." He squeezed his eyes shut as he pulled Virgil's hand in closer subconsciously for support but also to keep him from leaving. He was scared Virgil would hate him for this and either run or lash out. He didn't want to lose him. He couldn't lose him. He...

"Roman, I'm not going anywhere." Virgil quickly cut in noticing how Roman's hands were starting to shake, a telltale sign of what Roman was thinking about. "I'm not leaving. I just want to know. Nothing you say is going to change the present. It just... helps me to understand past."

"I'm a father, Virgil." Virgil blinked a bit, taken aback by the statement but he could see the seriousness in Roman's eyes. "I'm a father... or at least I was. I had a son and a beautiful baby girl. They were my worlds. I wouldn't do a thing to harm a child. I can't. I could never hurt a child... and orphaning one is one of the worst things someone can do." Virgil's eyes widened finally realizing why Roman had that regret that pooled in his eyes. Roman whined as he forced himself to look up at the ceiling to try and stop himself from crying. "I NEVER would have killed that woman if I had the choice. She attacked me. I had to protect myself. She wouldn't give up. She... I killed his mother to survive. I didn't have a choice. There was no way I was just going to leave him there alone after that so... I took him home with me. At least until I could get him somewhere safe."

"Why didn't you just keep the child then?"

"They were of hunter blood, Virgil." Virgil's eyes darkened as Roman whined subtly. "I couldn't keep him. If something happened to that boy, I'd never forgiven myself. Only my closest friends, Logan and Patton, even knew about his heritage. I couldn't allow the risk. It was bad enough that... that..." Roman deflated, his head going into his hands as he just heaved a shaky breath. "It's bad enough that something happened with ME."

"Did you bite him?" Roman's head jerked up with this look in his eyes that made Virgil's blood curdle. The anger and protective glare Roman had before it softened a bit and he just sighed.

"No. I did not bite him. I would NEVER do that to a child. I told you. I can't hurt a child and that's not even taking into consideration that their body can't handle a lot of venom. One bite could kill them. I... I was lucky though." Roman turned away as everything seemed to crash in him. "The truth isn't that far off."

"What do you mean?"

"He cut himself... on my fang. He was just a curious boy who probably wanted to know why they were the way they were but..." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Roman shuddered under the memory. "He cut himself accidentally and I reacted with thirst. I didn't bite him but it didn't matter. I couldn't risk it anymore. I cared for the boy. I couldn't deal with what I had done and I didn't want anything else happening..." Virgil brushed his finger over the overs hand as Roman looked at the other wall to avoid seeing his expression altogether. "So I ran out and triggered another hunter party just so they would find him and take him in... so that they could keep him safe. And I... I made sure I never saw him again... cut myself out of his life completely. It was safer that way. I just... I fucking hate how I even forgot his name. I shouldn't have forgotten his name."

"Hey, it's ok. Not even vampires can remember everything." Roman chuckled as he shook his head, a few tears falling down his cheeks.

"I didn't forget him just... I forgot his name. It's right at the tip of my tongue but I just can't seem to remember it. I remember his smile though." Virgil's eyes shot wide as Roman giggled quietly. "He had the most adorable smile. He was just the sweetest thing, always making sure I was ok... always wanting to help... insisting he carried his own papers and books when I had to do work in the study. He was precious but..." Roman's eyes faded again as he scoffed and turned back to Virgi with this tired look in his eyes. "There's no point in holding on. He's groaned up by now and no doubt hates his kind. He's a hunter. The chances of seeing him again are slim at best and it would be a joyous reunion. I can't keep holding on to the past."

"Do you miss him?" Roman's eyes set into a serious look as Virgil shifted back seeing the seriousness fill the vampire's gaze. 

"I'm a father, Virgil." Virgil nodded stunned a bit but understanding as Roman just smiled and looked away again. "I'm a father... sure I wasn't his father but... Yes. I miss him terribly. I just hope he's ok out there."

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