Chapter 13

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I froze upon entering Taylor’s room. Eros was a writhing heap of skin on the hardwood floor, and he screamed in pain. “Oh, shit,” I muttered, dropping to his side and pinning his shoulders to the floor. He screamed out again, making Taylor flinch. “Eros!” I held his head still, trying to get him to respond.

He went limp, eyes fluttering between open and closed for short moments. Something flashed to my head.


My eyes widened, and I looked up at Taylor, “Go get Zack.”


“Taylor, if you want to help him, go get Zack,” I said sternly, knowing Zack of all people should know exactly where Eros’s on-switch was. Taylor nodded, leaving to find his twin. Eros had closed his eyes by that point. “Eros,” my nerves shot through the roof when he didn’t respond. “Please wake up…Yourself, that is.”

His violet eyes opened, and he blinked slowly. “Treble?” I nodded, wondering where Taylor and Zack were. The god–or not the god–looked at the door, blinked, and looked back at me. “I need you to keep something for me.”

I blinked, trying to remember if that’s what was said to me when “Apollo” nearly strangled me. I thought it was. “What is it?”

“It’s in my jacket pocket,” he pointed toward the window, and I saw his jacket lying in a heap, though I don’t remember him wearing it earlier. Last I remember he was wearing a black V-neck. I nodded anyway, walking hesitantly to the jacket and reaching in the pocket. My eyes shut involuntarily as I pulled out a small tube.

I cracked an eye open, peeking at the bottle full of black goop. “Why do I need vampire’s blood?” I asked, turning around. “Haven’t we already played this game once before?”

“You’re smart,” the possessor of the god’s brain smirked. “Obviously not smart enough to know why you need it. But smart enough.”

“Who are you?” I asked stupidly. Why the hell would they tell me?!

“We’ve already met, angel, and I’m surprised you don’t remember me,” they leaned back on Eros’s elbow. “You take your time,” his grin turned to something evil, “I’ll entertain myself.”

“You?” I laughed. “Oh, Jesus, here we go again.”

The Incubus raised my friend’s eyebrow, frowning at me. “You’re not happy to see me?”

“Technically all I can see is my naked friend, but no, not particularly happy to see you,” I rolled my eyes, turning the vial between my fingers.


“Last time we met you tried to kill me. Granted, I didn’t know it was you, but still,” I shrugged my shoulders. “Why do I need this?” I held up the vial. He didn’t answer. I stood, opening the window and reaching my arm out.

“Wait!” he shrieked, sitting up and anticipating my next move. It felt good to have the upper hand on an Incubus. “I’m supposed to poison you.”

“With vampire’s blood?”

“It kills vampires,” he shrugged. “You’re part vampire. It wasn’t my idea, all right? I’m not the genius that came up with it, I’m just the messenger.”

“Well I’m not going to shoot you, Mr. Messenger,” I rolled my eyes, leaving the window open and sitting down on the floor again. “Who’s trying to kill me?”

“Who do you think, Savior? You’ve got an entire army of Elders against you, and it didn’t occur to you that-?”

“No, it did occur to me, dumbass. I wanted specifics,” I crossed my arms over my chest, leaning my head back against the wall. Since Zack and Tay still weren’t in the room, I’d guessed the Incubus had locked them out. Like he did on the plane. “What’s your name?”

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