The Rise of the Paladins

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The universe can be such a crazy place. You never realize how small you are until you've seen the big picture. If someone had told you that there were millions of other planets just like yours, you would never believe it. Right? 

It all started on one of Pluto's five natural satellites, Kerberos... 

A total of three astronauts were standing around a mechanical drill that could pierce the strongest metal. Two of them were holding the drill steady as the moon had no gravity to keep it down, and the other much older one was working on another machine in which held data and information of their current mission. They've only just landed a mere hour ago when the trip has taken months just to get there.  

"Wow, can't you believe this, Cole. We've actually made it." An old fellow was telling his comrade, pressing more buttons on the screen of the machine with his gloved hands. 

Keeping his feet steady on the non gravitational surface, the pilot tightened his grip on the drill as it took some parts of the ground. "Hey I told you I would get you two here safely." 

"We still arrived late, thanks to the asteroid belt on our travels, we delayed our trip for another month." A voice came from the other side of the drill, giving a cheeky grin to the pilot. 

"Echo, we all knew that it takes almost 33 days to get across the asteroid belt. Besides, thanks to Cole's piloting we burned off another two days. If it was any other pilot then we probably gotten hit by a asteroid hurling our way." The scientist chuckled, giving chills to his son from the dark sense of humor. 

Cole rolled his eyes at the father & son moment, "Thanks for telling me I was your only hope, Dr. Julien." He said sarcastically. 

"Oh you and I both know you are the best of the best, Brookstone." Dr. Julien complimented before turning over to his son, who was started to wobble in his stance on the drill, "Echo, be careful now. We wouldn't want any movement to disturb the process of extracting Kerberos's surface." 

"Don't worry, father, I got it." Echo reassured the frantic scientist. 

What the trio didn't realize when they continued to drill the ground of Kerberos was the unrealistic space shuttle heading their direction. Its unique shape was as much admirable as it was headstrong, the interiors of purple markings and structures you can't even comprehend. Suddenly a cannon started to unfold from the top of the ship, and a purple beam was released onto the surface of Pluto's moon. 

The ground started to shake, immediately getting Cole's attention. He turns around to see where it was coming from to realize the ground was starting to crack, and to see the space ship heading there way as the purple beam destroys everything on the ground it touches. 

"Run! Run now! Get to the ship!" Cole yelled at his comrades and got a head start, with the Julien's following behind him, leaving what remains of their research in the path of destruction that was headed its way. 

Unfortunately, they could not outrun the beam, and was sucked up in the beam into the unknown. 

One Year Later...

Back on Earth, in the country of Ninjago, at the Borgs Commission were three cadets in an auto simulator which is realistically a learning course on how you would fly an aircraft. 

Crackling his knuckles, the teen with electric blue eyes and freckles stares at his control panel with determination. His fellow cadets were at their ready positions at their own panels. 

"Zane, am I giving permission to lift of?" The fighter pilot asked his cargo cadet #1. 

The blonde teen look back at him with a simple nod, "We are ready for lift off, Jay."

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