Chapter 6

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The next day, bakugo was texting and calling the guys about the amusement park for Halloween.

"Yeah, we can go in the afternoon. Yeah, duh you have to wear a costume. Okay, well we can just stay there all night."

He was on his laptop buying tickets for him and kirishima. "Huh? Yeah I already got my costume, a demon, yeah what about you? Pikachu?! Well yeah I guess that does suit you."

Kirishima popped up a few minutes later. "Hi katsuki!"

He covered the phone and looked up, "Hey kiri, Can you pass me my card please?"

Kirishima got his card from his wallet and gave it to bakugo.

"Oh uh, yeah someone's here with me," bakugo said over the phone.

Kirishima smiled but tried to hide it.

"Yeah, well, he's coming with us on Halloween. So you guys can meet him then." They carried on the conversation and then hung up.

"You told them about me?" kirishima asked.

Bakugo put his phone down, "Of course I did...Not the demon part, but of course I told them about you."

Kirishima smirked and started walking towards him. He wrapped his arms around bakugo and sat on his lap.

"Ei, for Halloween, will you be able to stay the whole night?"

Kirishima thought for a moment, "I think I'll be able to stay, I'll try to stay as long as I can okay? I promise."


On Halloween there was a costume party that bakugo had heard was going on. He thought that it would be a good idea for them to go since it would help kirishima unwind and not be so nervous about being out in public.

"B-but are you sure?" kirishima asked.

Bakugo was doing his hair in the bathroom, "Yeah, no one will know us there. And it'll give you a chance to let people see you so you won't be as nervous when we go to the amusement park later tonight."

Kirishima was nervous about the idea, "okay, but are you wearing your costume?"

Bakugo came out of the bathroom, "I can't, my horns broke so I have to get new ones before we go to the amusement park. So I'm just going to go like this, I'll just say I'm like your vessel or something, you know like...when you possessed me."

Kirishima blushed, "yeah, I remember."

They headed out to the party, it was open to everyone as long as you had a costume.

The guard in front stopped them, "uh, your costume dude?" he said to bakugo.

He started laughing, "oh, yeah...I'm his vessel, he's a demon so like you know, demons go inside of humans to use them as a vessel."

The guy at the door looked at him, "I don't know dude, not really a creative costume. I mean, your boy's costume looks awesome, but I'm not feeling the whole 'vessel' thing.

Kirishima cut into the conversation, "Bakugo, when you say 'go inside', I mean you let me possess you, but when we're in bed I've never 'gone inside' you."

Bakugo started blushing, "no kiri, when I said that I meant like for possession not like- t-that."

The guy looked at them, trying not to smile, "you know what guys...j-just go ahead, I like his costume, so you're good." He moved to the side and let them go in.

Bakugo grabbed kirishima's hand and they joined the party.

They both drank a little, but not too much. Kirishima was getting them more drinks as bakugo came back from the bathroom.

"Boo!" bakugo yelled.

He jumped and turned around, "come on! Why do you always do that," kirishima whined.
When he turned around, he saw bakugo with what looked like blood drip down his mouth. "Oh my gosh are you bleeding?!" kirishima asked.

Bakugo laughed, "no, I'm sorry, it's like this red jelly stuff, like fake blood."

Kirishima smiled, "you scared me!"

He went up to bakugo and cleaned off the jelly stuff with his finger then licked it up.

Bakugo smiled, "if I take some of that home, will you lick it off my dick?"

Kirishima nodded his head, "Please." He leaned in and kissed bakugo softly, "I like being able to come out with you, I wish we could always do this."

Bakugo grabbed kirishima's hand and started pulling them into the crowd. They danced in the music together for a while.


Now It was finally Halloween night, bakugo and kirishima went back home and were getting ready to go to the amusement park.

Bakugo got dressed up as a demon, he had the wings and the new horns he needed, he even got fake fangs to try and match with kirishimas teeth.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? What if your friends don't like me?" kirishima asked.

Bakugo walked over to him, "they'll love you, and if they don't I'll just punch them in the face, it's no big deal."

They both laughed, "okay, okay, I'm just nervous, I'm sorry."

They stood in front of the mirror, "damn you look so much cooler than me."

Kirishima laughed, "I think you look pretty cute."

When they stepped out of the house, he grabbed onto bakugo's hand.

"Come on."

He started leading him towards the car, "See? It's okay. It's Halloween everyone's dressed up."

"Okay," his voice was shaking.

They finally got to the park and meet up with the guys.

"Yo bakugo! Whats up man," denki yelled. They all hugged and said hi.

Denki looked over at kirishima, "wow, nice horns dude, bakugo yours are lame compared to his."

They all laughed. "Okay everyone, this is kirishima, my boyfriend."

Kirishima got nervous, "hi guys."

Denki leaned in and gave him a hug, "so this is who you've been doing huh? No wonder we haven't seen you since October started," denki teased.

Bakugo rolled his eyes, "Ha, Ha, so funny."

He looked over and saw that kirishima was nervous.

He reached over and grabbed kirishima's hand.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Kirishima nodded his head, "yeah, I'm okay, and bakugo?"


Kirishima held on tighter to bakugo's hand, "you said I'm your boyfriend to them...did you mean that?"

Bakugo stopped by the entrance and looked at kirishima, "Yeah, I Mean I hope so...I'm sorry I didn't know how to ask you, but-"

Kirishima interrupted him with a kiss.

Bakugo smiled, "Is that a 'yes' then?"

Kirishima smiled back, "yes."

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