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"Boo...." was the last thing Trevor said before I started bursting out in tears.

None of them knew what to say, they all just stood there and stared. Sam, he looked like he was about to cry but Trevor was worse. Trevor was crying almost as much as I was.

I just sat in the middle of the floor, in front of Ricky, with my head in my hands. Trevor sat in front of me and sobbed.

"why... what.. when.." I just stayed silent. "I'm a horrible brother! I wasn't there" that, made me cry even more, I sat I front of him and grabbed his hands. "Boo, this isn't your fault! none of this is! you aren't a horrible brother, because you, were there for me, even though you didn't know it! to be honest, your the reason I'm not in a mental hospital or.... dead!"

as soon as I said that, the room went silent. I didn't even know that it could be more quiet. "Boo... what happened? how could I not have been there?"

Ugh... how do I say this? I'm still crying and I was trying to cal Trevor down. "It started when mom started taking long work trips, so we were about 9.... Dad... he happened" I said, trying to fight down the tears. " what did h-he do t-to you?" he said. I hate to see him cry. "he uh... He would go to a bar, thats why we were usualy home alone, well.. i was, u were usually at a friends house. well, anyways, he started to beat me and call me names and try to do inappropriate stuff with me. And when I was 11, it made me feel bad about myself and when I was 12... I started cutting and I used to have bulimia and I uhh have anxiety..." I said, now Trevor is calmed down and I was now full on crying into his warm body.

Dad moved away so it stopped when I was 14 but I still get bullied and stuff and that is why I still do self harm.

I looked around to see that all the guys had left us to be alone, except Sam. he came behind me and rubbed my back. I blushed at the thought of him even touching me.

"Trevor... I'm so sorry, I was gonna tell you but I knew that you would get sad like this.Those dreams I've been having, are nightmares! they are flashbacks that I am scared to death of! I wanna thank you for being there for me when nobody else was. I love you so much and I am so thank full to even being able to talk to you. you mean the world to me and I'm sorry you had to find out this way!" I said, looking him in the eyes and Sam is still rubbing my back, and trying to get me to calm the fuck down already.

"Tiana...i want you to know that I love you so much and that I couldn't live without you! you are a great, beautiful, talented, and smart girl, that I am so thankful for! and I'm always here for you... we all are! and you know about my anxiety, so feel free to talk about it with me, ok?" "Ok."

All the guys left after about 20 minuets of just sitting in the floor and sobbing. Trevor picked me up off of the floor and laid me on my bed then laid down behind me.

I turned around to see.... Sam? "god damn it Sam! I thought that you were Trevor!" I said and he laughed "nope" he chuckled and wrapped his arms slowly snake around my body.

Weird. does he like me? I don't know why he would! STOP IT ANA!

I was falling asleep when I heard an "I love you" whispered into my ear.


Hey guys! I wanted to let y'all know that I WILL ONLY MAKE LONG CHAPTERS IF YOU GUYS ROOT ME ON FOR THIS BOOK! Te more comments, votes, and even reads that I get, the more I will update and longer they will be! love y'all

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