Its my drug...

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I woke up to The boys making noise in my bathroom. it was 2 pm, damn do I sleep late or what!?!

I got up and went into my bathroom to see all the guys looking for something then they all stopped and looked at Connor... and he had my box in his hands.NO!

The all turned to look at me. "what are you doing?" I asked angrily and looked at the box. I could tell that they new what was inside it.

Just a second after I asked that Connor ran out of my room with the box and I ran after him. "UGH! CONNOR" I yelled and ran down the stairs but Kian and Ricky held me back from killing Connor.

He ran out of the house and I was screaming and crying on the bottom of the stair case and trying to get out of Kian and Ricky's grasp. "LET ME GO! WHY DID HE HAVE TO RUN MARATHONS? NO I NEED THOSE" I yelled and started balling my eyes out at the last part,

I stopped wiggling and slide down and sat on the bottom stair with my hands in my hair and years rushing down my face.

Trevor kneeled down in front of me and rolled up my sleeves. He looked like he was trying not to cry. "Boo... you've gotta stop doing this to yourself" he said as they all looked at my new cuts from earlier.

I woke up without Sam around 3 in the morning earlier and... ya know... Connor came in and joined the boys. I'm still crying. A lot.

"HOW? I can't stop! the first time I did it, that one cut made me addicted! its my drug, Trevor! Cutting is my nicotine..." I said smiling.

"WHY ARE YOU SMILING?" Sam yelled. I stood up and looked him straight in the eye. "BECAUSE JUST THE THOUGHT OF IT FEELS GOOD! WHEN I DO IT IT FEELS GOOD!" I yelled and walked towards him and he backed up.

"No... you just think that.... you've gotta stop, its...." I cut him off by punching him in the face. he fell to the ground and I froze. the guys helped him.

"HOW COULD YOU?" Trevor yelled. I started rambling on about stuff, "I'm psychotic! I'm crazy! I'm seeing stuff! I'm hearing stuff! I'm losing my mind! I ha..." I was cut of by Sam hugging me and rubbing my back. "ssssh it's ok" he whispered and I started crying even more. "I'm so sorry" I managed to say through the tears.

"It's ok! I understand! Ana, you know that I've been through this before! feel free to talk to me about anything. You can get through it. Your friends aren't doing anything but hurting you more!" he said and we got weird looks when he said, "your friends" them they all realized that it means the blades.

"I love you" I cried and I ment it... "I love you to Ana" at that moment, he kissed me. on the lips!?!?! It lasted about 3 seconds before we broke apart and looked into each others eyes. All the guys hugged me.

"Hang on" I said and ran up to my room with them chasing me. I locked my door and looked for my bag of those big ass rubber bands. I found them and walked out the door to seeing their worried faces.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?" Sam yelled and Trevor looked petrified. "here" I said, handed Trevor the bag, and covered my mouth trying not to cry. "What is this?" they asked except Sam. he knew. "rubber bands, there's more than one kind of self harm ya know!?" I said.

We decided that I should just get rest to make up for some sleepless nights.
I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. then, I fell asleep just as I saw Sam coming into my room and onto my bed.

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