Chapter 43: The Wake

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Reggie stood over the pile of ashes. It was done. This was the being that ruined his life. The being that made him and his best friend die before the biggest night of their lives. The monster that made the love of his life disappear from existence then tried to kill Julie. He just stood there, not knowing for certain if it was the end but wanting to believe it was. A relief set in, but he still felt tense. Reggie looked around him and saw Flynn, Carrie, Julie, and Rose all still alive. Nick was still passed out on the ground, but he was alive to. Julie fell to the ground as her mom ran over to check on her.

"Julie, sweetie, are you okay?" Rose said, squeezing Julie as tight as she could as tears streamed down both of their faces.

"I'm fine. I feel a little weak, but I'm okay. Are you?" Julie said, looking at her mom.

"Yeah. The jolts are gone, and I can hold you again. I've never been better," Rose cried, kissing Julie's forehead. "I thought I was going to lose you."

"No. I have great friends now that helped me," Julie said, looking over at Flynn, Reggie, and Carrie. They never left her side and fought for her valiantly. She couldn't ask for a better group of friends. She smiled until she saw the look on Flynn's face.

"She stopped breathing," Flynn yelled. "She was just breathing a couple of seconds ago, I kept checking, and now she's not breathing." Julie, Rose, and Reggie sprinted to her aid.

"Oh my God, did I kill her?" Reggie asked, beginning to panic. Suddenly, Carrie opened her eyes and let out a labored breath.

"Carrie, are you okay?" Flynn asked. "I really thought I lost you." Carrie had a smile still plastered across her face. "You really think this is funny? I thought you were dead, and you're sitting here smiling about it? What kind of-,"

Before Flynn could finish her sentence, Carrie sat up and kissed her. Carrie grabbed her face and put her lips on Flynn's as Flynn reciprocated. It was a short kiss, just Carrie's way of telling Flynn that she felt the same and to get her to be quiet.

Carrie pulled away, "I never knew you cared about me that much Flynn."

"I never knew you did either," Flynn laughed, then hit her arm playfully, "but never die on me again!"

Carrie laughed, "Don't worry I'll try not to." Flynn grabbed Carrie's hand and helped her off the ground as she got up herself. She kept squeezing it even after they had both gotten up. She smiled at the gesture. Suddenly, Carrie's phone started buzzing out of control. She took it out of her pocket and began to look at it with a bewildered face.

"Carrie, what's going on?" Julie asked, looking at her shocked facial expression.

"It's one of the security guards at my house. The cops have surrounded my house. They're trying to get my dad out," Carrie replied, still not looking up from her phone. "He said not to come home."

"Wait, why are they surrounding her house? Did he do something else?" Reggie said, looking to Julie for answers.

"I don't know, Reggie. She doesn't have any more information than that," Julie responded.

"But I do," a figure in the shadows behind them said.

"Who are you?" Rose asked, grabbing onto Julie to protect her.

The figure stepped out of the shadows to reveal a being that looked to be an angel. The figure had wings and a flowy white outfit. It began to glow brightly, so not many other features were visible except for its shape. "I'm not a threat, I promise. I'm here to help you on your journeys."

"Our journeys? What the hell does that mean?" Carrie replied, stepping away from the angel.

"Not you, Carrie," the angel said, Carrie looking at Flynn in shock of the figure knowing her name. "Rose, Reggie...," she paused, "and Alex." The angel waved their arm, and Willie and Alex appeared in front of them. Julie and Reggie immediately ran over to hug them, elated to see them again. Julie couldn't touch Willie, but he was still a part of the hug, and Julie was glad to know he was okay too. Flynn jumped up and down with a huge smile plastered on her face. She figured Alex was back by Julie's reaction and was glad to know that. The four broke apart from their hug as they began to realize what this all meant.

"By our journey... do you mean-?" Alex began before he was interrupted by the angel.

"Yes. This is where you begin your journey of crossing over," the angel said. The group all looked at each other. This was a moment they all feared, the one they knew would come eventually, but they never wanted to reach that point.

"I thought we had longer," Julie yelled at the angel. "Why can't we have more time? Why do they have to leave me? How is this not some big punishment? There isn't some way out of it?" Julie screamed as she ran towards the angel, yelling at the light.

"I'm afraid not, Julie," the angel said calmly. "Since you and your friends defeated the demon that Bobby sold their soul to, all of the evidence that exists that the demon was safeguarding was sent to the police. It's kind of like a failsafe that we have. So, since the murderer of Luke, Reggie, Alex, and Rose has been caught, all of them have completed their unfinished business. Therefore, they will cross over. I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but this is truly an extraordinary case. Usually, souls want to cross over."

"So, they're really going to leave?" Flynn said solemnly. Carrie gave her hand a small squeeze, prompting Flynn to turn her head to Carrie. Carrie flashed her a sympathetic expression, and Flynn flashed her one in return. Carrie's dad was about to be arrested, and Flynn was about to lose four people very important in her life. They needed each other now. Flynn put her head on Carrie's shoulder, and Carrie put her head on top of Flynn's head. Julie ran over to hug her mom, realizing this may be the last time she gets to do so.

"Well, since this is such an extraordinary circumstance, I think I can help you out a little bit," the angel said.

"What do you mean?" Willie asked, as he reached for Alex's hand. Alex grabbed his hand and kissed it then intertwined his fingers in Willie's. He could feel Willie's hand shaking, or maybe it was only his own. But their hands calmed as they squeezed each other's hands, finding comfort in that small gesture.

"I can give you until midnight to say your goodbyes," the angel said. "I'm sorry I can't give you more time. I will leave you until then."

"WAIT!" Reggie exclaimed before the angel could leave them.

"Yes Reggie?" the angel responded.

Reggie went closer to the angel then whispered with a tremble in his voice, "Is Luke going to come back?"

The angel sighed, "I wish I could help you, I really could. But I can't fix that. I can't bring him back."

Reggie cried softly, not wanting the group to see him upset. "I just thought he would come back with everyone."

"I'm sorry Reggie. If I could bring him back, I would. I know how much you loved-," the angel began.

Reggie interrupted, "You may know, but you could never understand. He was the love of my life. He was my favorite person. No one can love someone as much as I loved Luke. Are you sure you can't do anything?" Reggie pleaded then took a deep breath, "I need him."

"I can't. I need to go. Cherish this time you have with the people who love you. I'm sorry that this time was tainted," the angel sighed as she disappeared. Julie came over and hugged Reggie.

"I know Reggie. I know. I'm so sorry. I want him back too." Julie whispered to him as Reggie finally broke down. His sobs were as loud as screams as he practically collapsed in Julie's arms. He had stayed strong for Julie and then clung onto the hope that Luke would come back once Caleb was destroyed. Alex, Willie, Carrie, Flynn, and Rose came over to Julie in the hug. It didn't matter that few of them could feel each other; they all felt the comfort of that hug that they all needed. Their lives were all about to change, and none of them were prepared for that moment. They all wanted to freeze time and just be there with each other, but that was impossible, and they all knew that unfortunate fact. They broke out of their hug as Reggie's sobs lessened but were still present.

"What time is it?" Alex said, wiping his eyes.

Julie got her phone out of her pocket with one arm and continued to hold Reggie with the other. "It's 8:15," Julie replied.

Reggie got his head off Julie's shoulder and looked at Julie, "We only have 3 hours and 45 minutes left here. We have to make it count. It's what Luke would have wanted. I have an eternity to be sad," Reggie sighed, trying to compose himself.

"You're right Reggie," Julie said as they broke their hug. "So, what are we going to do?" They all looked at each other for answers, but no one knew. How are you supposed to spend your last hours on Earth?

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