ISBILY 03: In the end, it was me

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Missing someone is a part of moving on. But sometimes it was just the memories that you've missed, and not the person you are with in those memories. And I might say in my case that I missed both. The memories as well as the person.

I miss you Erebus, I hope you were doing fine. Did you miss me too? I hope you do.

It has been a month since I came back from London. I never heard about him. I miss him so much.. I missed my bestfriend, I missed my beloved Erebus Wayne Gonzales. I know it is not right to think of another man while you have your boyfriend, but my dumb mind and this damn stupid heart keeps on remembering him. Well he's not just a nobody. He's my one and only boy bestfriend whom I've fallen inlove with. He will never be nobody. Never

"I'm sorry Eros, I know you love me that much. I also love you but I know in myself that I still love Erebus, I still love him after all these years." I mumbled. It's funny how I can think of another man when I should have not think of in the first place.

I love you Eros, I really do. But I always love him and nothing in this world could ever change that. He is someone irreplaceable, and no one in this world and in this lifetime could take his place. Let's just say that, I could love someone else but how I love him, the way I love him would still remain at the deepest depth of my heart, right there at the chamber of my aorta, or my ventricle maybe, I don't know if left or right. Or even in the aortic valve. And I hope you could understand that.

"Hey babe, let's go" Eros said while giving a hand. It was so considerate of him to let me pay a visit with the one I dearly love. Even if I could hurt him, he still want me to visit my beloved bestfriend. Well he understands that no matter what happened Erebus was still one of those I treasured the most, same as I treasure him in my life.

"Are you sure that it's okay with you?" I asked.

He just smiled while nodding his head. Aww, how sweet of him. He never failed to understand me. That's what makes him the person I want to keep for the rest of my life. I would love to keep him in my arms forever, if forever does exist. And I intend to keep him no matter what.

"He's your bestfriend after all, and I'm sure you missed him so much, so why would I deprive you from meeting him? Also I would like to thank him for taking good care of you back then, for I've got my queen now in my arms" he said smiling genuinely.

How his words melt my heart. I may still love my beloved Erebus but I can't deny the fact that Eros could take my breath away. If it was like in a fairytale, Erebus was my knight and my prince, I'm his princess but I am someone else's queen and my king was Eros.

We reached at Erebus' place. It was gloomy, this place used to be lively before but why do it appear like this? It looks like nobody keeps it alive. I don't know why.

Why do I feel bad about it? Is there something wrong? Is there a thing that happened which I didn't know. Of course there was, you left remember? Well in the first place I lost contact with him. No, it's more of I don't want to contact him in the first place.

Eros held my hand as we walk. I don't know what was happening but I felt a stab in my chest. I am hurting, and I don't know why. Why am I in pain? Something's definitely not right here. I knocked the door thrice and after few seconds someone opened it. There I saw Erebus' mom with a faint smile painted in her lips.

"Uhm, tita can I know where's Erebus?" I asked her out of curiosity. Though there's something in me shaking in nervousness of some things I can't bear to explain.

She just looked away, and went to a room. When she came back, she holds a box in her hands.

Huh? What with that box anyway? Ughh I could never really get her.

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