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As Jungkook cried, he was suddenly grabbed, causing him to be forceful stood up

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As Jungkook cried, he was suddenly grabbed, causing him to be forceful stood up. He looked at who it was, some guys from his school.
"W-what d-do yo-you gu-guys wan-want?" Jungkook says, raising his brow as he sniffles. The guy smirked, calling for the other guys before they start to attack Jungkook. They kicked, punched, and beat him up. Jungkook covered himself, to protect. Just then, he pushed a guy, using his power. The guy was pushed so hard, causing him to roll on the street. The guys continues to beat him up. Jungkook screamed, causing some glasses to break.

The guys stopped, backing away. Jungkook weakly stood up, raising his arms up as he stared at the guys with his eyes that turned to a color of blue. They could hear something, like some electrics. Looking back, they could see some lightning like things on the towers of electricity. One guy suddenly threw a knife, but Jungkook was quick enough to dodge it.
"Le-leave me!" He yelled and the guys did, they ran away. Jungkook got exhausted, his puts his arms down, causing the things that was floating around to go away.

He fell down on his knees, breathing heavily. Everything became a blur and all he could see was the blurry silhouettes of some people before he's swallowed by darkness.

"Do you think he's here?" Jin asks as he ran around.
"We don't know, hyung, we just saw some guys running here" Jimin says and then they covered their ears as they heard some loud screaming. That's when they saw three guys running away from an alleyway. They all looked at each other, running to the alleyway and then there they saw Jungkook, falling down on his knees before he passed out on the ground.

"Oh, gosh... I hope we don't get in trouble"

 I hope we don't get in trouble"

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