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~Just don't ask about the picture~

Kageyama POV

"HINATA BOKE!!!!" Kageyama screamed. Hinata turned to see Kageyama running to him. "Oh! U-uhh.... Hi?" Hinata stuttered out. 'So he doesn't remember my birthday?' Kageyama and Hinata then walked to school together. They both walked into the gym and practiced receives while waiting for the others to arrive.

Suga, Asahi, and Daichi came in a couple minutes later, Then Noya ran in with Tanaka. "WHAZZZ UP!?!?!" Noya screamed. Then a few minutes later you would not believe but Noya and Tanaka are being hunted down by Sugamama and Dadchi because Noya jumped up and hit Daichi so then Daichi fell on top of Suga. "OOOOOOOOOO!!!!! GET SOME DAICHI!!!!!" Tanaka screamed. 

Tsukishima walked in casually with Yamaguchi following close behind him. "BOKE HINATA BOKE!!!!" "I'M SORRY, BAKEYAMA!!!!!" They both wrestled and they stopped once Tanaka and Noya ran into them. Ennoshita then came and dragged both of them and Kinoshita plus Narita came with Ennoshita so they were behind Ennoshita, giggling like school girls.

'So no one remembers my birthday, huh?' Kageyama said in his head. But his thoughts where interrupted by Daichi yelling at them to gather to go over practice and what they were going to do.

~Le time skip~

Hinata POV

"Hey Suga?" Hinata asked walking up to the older. "What is it, Hinata?" Hinata looked down at the floor. "For Kageyama's birthday can we have a surprise party at practice? We could do it in the gym?" Suga smiled brightly at Hinata. "Sure, we will need Yachi to distract him long enough to get ready for it." Suga texted the others but not before taking Kageyama out of the chat.

"OKAY EVERYBODY WE NEED TO GET READY FOR THE PARTY!!!!!!" Sugawara yelled at the team. Kinoshita and Ennoshita went to go get the cake and cupcakes. Tanaka, Noya, and Narita went to go get snacks. While the rest decorated the gym with the help of Coach Ukai and Takeda. 

~With Yachi and Kageyama~ 

"Yachi where are we going? We have practice tonight." "Just a few more minutes. I wanted to show you something." Yachi said as she headed towards the roof. They both looked at the sky. The sky was littered with hundreds of stars. "Wow... I-it's beautiful." Kageyama said. He was happy at least someone remembered his birthday. 

~With the team~

"Okay everything is ready I'll text Yachi to tell her that she can start heading here."  Suga said pulling out his phone. "Hinata, you need to get your confession ready!" Noya yelled across the gym. Hinata's face turned beet red. "S-shut up and get into your position." Hinata stuttered out. 

Once they got all ready they saw the gym doors open. Noya quietly snickered at Kageyama's confused face. Ukai quickly turned all the lights on. What Kageyama seen made him really happy. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!" they all yelled except Tsukishima who just rolled his eyes.

"Thank you guys!" Kageyama said. "But wait....... Where is Hinata?" Yamaguchi walked up to Kageyama. "He's waiting for you in the clubroom!" Yamaguchi said. "I'll go there real quick then." Kageyama then sprinted towards the clubroom. He saw Hinata sitting on the floor waiting for him. "Hinata?" Kageyama said walking into the clubroom while closing the door behind him.

Hinata flinched at his name being called. "H-hi K-kageyama!" Hinata stood up really quickly. "What did you need, boke?" Kageyama said crossing his arms. "I uhhh wanted to tell you that uhhh...." Hinata's face then flushed a deep red. "I like-" Hinata was cut off by Kageyama's lips against his. 

He realized that Kageyama had just kissed him. He then kissed back. "I like you too, boke." He hugged Hinata. "I'm happy you like me too." "We should go to your party before they get suspicious. 

They both went back and had a grand time with kageyama's birthday.

Sorry that the end was rushed but anyway happy birthday Kageyama!!!!

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