chapter 7

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't written in forever!! I lost my user and password and only just remembered :) hope yours didn't miss me too much ;) anyway here goes.. Sorry if its a bit yuck at the start. Haven't quite got back in the hang of writing

I sit in class for just under 2 hours waiting nervously and excitedly for the bell to ring. I tap my pencil to the beat of the clock on my desk until the teacher gets annoyed and yells at me to stop.

I tap my foot on the floor and the teacher yells at me again to sit still but I can't! I sit as still as humanly possible by someone as excited as I am! But I still get yelled at.

Finally the bell rings and the class rushes out of the door. I'm just about to get out when miss Kelly tells me to wait inside. "What was with you today?" She asks.

"Ummm I don't know.." I reply. Then she goes on about how I should listen and sit still and blah blah. But I couldn't listen. I was too focused on who was waiting for me! The room goes quiet and I figure I can leave so I walk carefully out of the class till she can't see me and bolt down the hallway to my locker.

I open the locker and pull out a note that had been shoved into the hinge by accident.


I breath out heavily, dissapointed. But I decided it would give me time to get changed and look better than I did in the morning. I walk to the bus stop and catch the next bus home.

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