Chapter 1: Betty - When You Are Young.

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Word of the day - Cogent

A cacophony startled me. I realized James was here. I rushed towards my nightstand, picked up the binder, thrust it into my bag, and zipped it up.

I stood in front of the mirror. A rush of thoughts flooded my mind. I am looking at myself, admiring my own self, checking my own self, blushing at my own...


I roll my eyes in exasperation and give out a sigh. My phone received a notification. It was a text from James. I knew exactly what it was gonna be and I knew exactly what would happen if I didn't reply.

"You comin'?", he asked.

"Running down the stairs", I replied followed by an emoji where the bald yellow person pouts to give a flying kiss and received a heart in return. I grabbed my bag and slid my phone into the front chain. I glanced at the wall clock and quickened my pace.

The wonderful summer made me loathe going back to school. By a wonderful summer, I intended to say that it was a summer that was wonderful for me. It could have been a cruel summer for everybody else or nobody at all. My point was, I enjoyed the sea breeze. Yeah, I was at the beach.

This summer, I decided to improve my vocabulary. I played a lot of scrabble and took a liking for words. I came upon a way to introduce more and more words into my life. If I came across a new word, I would try to find its synonyms and use the word at least once that day, either by writing in my diary or using it in a conversation. Till now, I have added close to fifty words to my vocabulary. Doesn't sound much but it will help me out making a good impression on the very first day of school.

I shouldn't make a bad impression on the very first day. If you assumed that I would be unaffected by the opinions of others, you have been mistaken. I get paranoid when I make a mistake in front of someone. Even if I exhale loudly or rather give out a sigh, I get restless until I assure myself that I ain't close to anyone and no one is judging me from the corner of their eyes.

I wore a knee-length dress, white in color with minimal makeup on my face. Why would I apply it when I already have a boyfriend. Also, I have accepted my body the way it is. Took a long time to do so.  

I scuttled out of the room, hurried down the stairs, and walk into the kitchen. The kitchen was small yet magnificent in its own standard. The chimney looked appealing to the eyes matched with the .... Yeah! I am not going to do this every year. You might as well read my previous year's diary. Laziness has gotten hold of me this summer. I would lie down on the beach for hours oblivious of my surrounding or time. The high tide would alarm me, signaling it is time to go.

My dad handed me my tiffin whereas my mom handed me my bottle. I am just gonna skip this part. It's like those movies you watch on holidays where the protagonist interacts with the side characters and that part is insignificant to the plot, so you just skip it. My parents are neither side characters in my life, nor insignificant. But they are, in this story, and yes, I am the protagonist of this story, the story being my diary.

The main door closed behind me. James was leaning against the wall on the sidewalk, fiddling with a cockscomb that he probably plucked from my garden. He stared at me expressionless in his trucker jacket and a white vintage tee underneath it.

"Done admirin' ourselves in the mirror?" he chortled. I snorted and glared at him.

I walk up to him and he lowers his head to remove his shades. He hands me the cockscomb while gazing into my eyes.

The rising sun glimmered in his cornflower-blue eyes, embellishing the sparkles in them. The cool morning breeze swooped down from the northern hills to flicker his golden bangs. His irresistible smile drew me closer to him.

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