the new friend

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Guys I'm really sorry for the wait. But now I'm in holiday and I'll post more. This and next chapter are not very long, sorry about that but they are quite interesting..




tiffany parker

A few days later, the pain in my leg subsided but did not go away. Sometimes I lose my balance, but that was rare. Fortunately, few people saw my loss of balance, Pansy and sometimes Draco.

"Come on, princess, we'll be late again," Pansy said with a sneer.

"Go without me!" I shouted sleepily. "Aren't you coming?" She asked.

,, No. "Said. "Okay, if you want ..." she said and left the room. I stood in bed for a while, thinking about what to do today. Fortunately, I could be absent whenever I wanted, with the excuse that I couldn't walk or severe pain. I planned my day in detail and cleared all extraneous thoughts from my head, recovered quickly and left the room.

I had gone to the library, and Professor Snape had given me further research on different types of potions, as my grades in his subject matter were not high. I stared at the floor, thinking, until a tall boy with red hair crashed into me and interrupted my thoughts. It was Fred Weasley. The famous Potter was sitting next to him. Harry fucking Potter.

"Don't you have a class, Parker?" Potter laughed at me. "It's none of your business," I said.

"Leave her, Harry!" Fred interrupted. He held out his hand, and I stood up. "I'll leave you love birds ..." Potter said mockingly.

"Shut up, Potter!" I snorted angrily.

"Do you want to take a walk?" Fred suggested. "Won't you take a class?" I asked. "I had it at Umbridge, I think I'll missed it," he said, laughing. "Okay then," I agreed. We talked while walking around the castle. I didn't expect to enjoy going out with Gryffindor, Pansy would be mad at me.  

"Where were you going before I hit you?" He asked me.

"To the library, I had extra homework on potions," I replied.

"Oh, if you want to go and write it together," he suggested.

"No, there's no need, the deadline is the end of the week, I can write it myself or ask Draco for help," I explained calmly. He nodded and we continued talking. Shortly afterwards he offered to do a prank for Umbridge around graduation. Of course, I accepted, I didn't like her very much and I wanted her to get what she deserved. I saw her torturing younger students and I felt sorry for them, it wasn't in my style to be saddened by human misery, or at least it was rare.

"Harry is not as bad as you think. He's just nervous about Umbridge, Fred defended. "Sure, and I don't blame him much, but the boy Diggory died in front of him, it's not easy to lose a friend or loved one," I said. "You say it as if you've been through it," he said, startled. "Well, yes, my parents died when I was 6 years old. It was not easy for me, but fortunately my aunt and cousin Olivia sheltered me, "I explained. I hadn't thought about my parents for a long time and I realized how much I missed them. "I'm sorry," Fred said. "You don't have to feel sorry for me. I've already overcome it, I just miss it sometimes, but nothing more, "I said. "Are your current family wizards?" He asked curiously. "No, they're Muggles. But Olivia knows I'm a witch, "I said. He nodded again and we kept talking about pranks and jokes...

It was getting dark, and we kept talking, I didn't realize when the time was up. "I was surprisingly pleased with you, Fred," I admitted. "Me too, Tiffany." "Call me when you need something," he said. "Thank you," I said, and headed for the Great Hall for dinner.

"Where the hell have you been?" Pansy shouted at me.

"I was in the library." I lied. I had no intention of telling her I had spent all day with Fred Weasley. I sat down and quickly ate the food on my plate and headed for my bedroom.

"Where are you going?" She asked me.

"I'm tired, I'm going to sleep," I said. I wasn't very sure if I lied to her or not.

I entered Slytherin's common room, seeing Goyle sitting on the couch.

"Hey, Parker!" Goyle shouted. "What?" I asked, turning to him. "Have you seen Malfoy today?" He asked me. "No, why?" "I haven't seen him all day and I thought he was with you," he said. "I don't know where he is, I was in the library today," I lied again. "Okay then," he said.

I turned and continued to my room, I was very tired from today, so I took a quick shower, changed into comfortable clothes, and went to bed.

the new friend.

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