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The scars of New L'Manberg were finally starting to heal. It had been a long difficult task, but they were doing it. Tubbo was a good president. He chose to keep everything peaceful, even deciding to have no formal militia of any sort. Tommy was so proud of his best friend. He had grown as a president of the last few weeks, and nowadays barley needed Tommy's help. More people flocked to New L'Manberg every day. It was a remarkable sight to watch the country he had formed with Wilbur grow this large. The thought of Wilbur made him sad. The ghost of his older brother still wandered around and tried to make him people happy, but it wasn't the same. Ghostbur didn't remember many things. Most of the childhood memories were of Technoblade, who Tommy now refused to think of. Ghostbur remembered leading L'Manberg, winning the election, writing the Declaration, but not much else. He didn't blame Ghostbur for not wanting to remember more, Pogtopia had seen dark times. He didn't like thinking of them. So he set off do what always cheered him up, crime with friends. He saw Ranboo decorating his newly built home, and decided that he'd ask him since Tubbo was probably busy with presidential stuff.
"Yo Big R!" Ranboo looked at him and grinned.
"Tommy! What's up?"
"Looking to do some crime today, you in?" He wiggled his brows at Ranboo, who laughed at him.
"Nothing to bad, right? I just got here I don't need to go to jail" Tommy laughed back.
"I wanna steal some shit"
"I figured" They grinned at each other and Tommy waved at him to get him to come with. Ranboo gave in and Tommy began walking. "So where are we going"
"We are going to George's hobbit house that he built during the whole war thing"
"Oh, alright. Why exactly?" Tommy laughed again.
"Some light robbery. Just a little"
"Isn't George the king?"
"Eh king this king that. Who cares. He ain't my king"
"Are you sure this is a good idea?"
"Yeah. Why wouldn't it be"
"Dream's gonna be mad"
"Dream won't know who it was"
"If you say so" They walked in silence the rest of the way. When they reached the house they knew right away. The mushroom red of the walls stuck out against the grass and made it very easy to see. The looked around as they walked over a small bridge. It was built into a hill with only the entrance to the house and some windows visible. The door was unlocked so they let themselves in. After going through the chests they found little to no valuables. But they expected that. They never thought that George would leave his valuables in an unguarded house, but it was fun to go through anyways. Pretty quickly after they finished going through the house, Tommy had an idea.
"Oh Ranboo, you know what we should do?"
"What?" Tommy grabbed netherack and a flint and steel from George's chest. He scattered them around and began to set them alight. He saw Ranboo's eyes go wide but he began to calm down when the fire stayed contained. He kept lighting things until they had to go outside because of the smoke. Then Ranboo shouted.
"Tommy! The house is going up!" Tommy whipped around and stared at the small house that was starting to burn.
"Oh god oh god oh god. Put it out!" The tried desperately to stamp out the fire to no avail. It was consumed in minutes.
"Well we are screwed" Ranboo said as they stared at the now dying fire.
"Relax. They'll never know who it was. But we need to leave. Like now" Ranboo nodded in agreement and they sprinted for New L'Manberg. They were panting with hands on their knees when they arrived.
"What's wrong with you two?" Tubbo asked as he walked over. Tommy and Ranboo exchanged looks.
"Nothing. Long run. Very tired" Tommy spat out between breaths. He didn't like lying to Tubbo, but he couldn't have any attachment between the president and the fire. Dream would use that to destroy him.
"Looks like it. I have to go talk to Fundy and Big Q about some butcher thing. I'll meet with you guys later, does that work?"
"Sounds good"
"Great, see ya in a bit!" Tubbo grinned and waved at them as he ran off.
"Well I am going to go home because I've had a totally uneventful day and I am tired" Ranboo gave him a sly look.
"Yeah, me too" Tommy grinned back. They both went into their houses and collapsed onto their beds. Tommy's mind wouldn't stop moving. Different scenarios flashed through his head.
"Well, I know the drill" He murmured to himself, "Deny everything"
"What are you doing!" Tubbo's voice rang out from outside the walls of his house. He sprinted for the door and flung it open. His friend appeared to be shouting at a wall. Upon closer inspection, he realized the wall was growing. Dream was building obsidian walls around his him.
"Dream! Stop!" He screamed as he ran to Tubbo's side. Dream's head turned towards them, and he threw an ender pearl.
"I'm only trying to help. Here are the borders, violate them and you'll die"
"Those aren't the borders Dream. The tree and the van-" Dream cut Tubbo off.
"These are your borders now" Tommy barley noticed Niki until she was next to him. She stood strong and faced Dream without fear.
"Why are you doing this" Dream ignored her and looked directly at Tommy. He knew instantly that Dream knew what him and Ranboo had done. "Are you doing this to protect us?" Niki asked.
"Then why?"
"Ask Tommy"
Tubbo gave him a side glance but stayed focused on Dream.
"Take down the walls"
"I'll consider it, but I want Tommy punished for what he did. I'll meet with you all in 3 days. We'll come to a decision then" And with that Dream turned and left. Building the obsidian walls a little higher before leaving for his own land.
"Tommy" Tubbo turned to him. "What does he mean? What did you do?"
"I have no idea. I didn't do anything. I've never done anything wrong"
"I need you to be serious and honest with me Tommy, I need you to trust me"
"I am Tubbo. I didn't do anything" Tubbo looked unsure but nodded.
"We need to stay together on this. Conflict is the last thing we need now. L'Mnaberg is still healing, we can't start another war"

Ahhhhhh! Book 2! I hope you guys enjoy this one, I'm very excited to write it. I have a lot planned. Enjoy a pretty long chapter 1! -MJ

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