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It has been 2 days since Dream's had made his announcement, and since then had dropped by Tubbo in private to tell him the punishment he wanted for Tommy was exile. Tommy still denied that he had any clue what Dream was talking about, but Tubbo knew better. Tommy was his best friend, and if Tommy though he could lie to him, he was sorely mistaken. His cabinet had scheduled a meeting for today so they could decide what the best course of action was in their meeting tomorrow. Tubbo desperately wanted Tommy to stay in New L'Manberg, but there is nothing he could do against Dream. A war would be catastrophic for his country. He struggled enough leading with no experience. While he was lost in thought, the first member of his cabinet arrived. Fundy walked in silently, paying no attention to Tubbo. The next members filed in after, Tommy and Ranboo being the last to arrive. When all the members of the cabinet were seated, the meeting began.
"So we all know why we're here right?" He asked them, and they nodded.
"I just wanna say again that I've done nothing wrong" Tommy looks to him.
"Whether or not you've done something wrong doesn't matter now. Dream says you have. He wants you punished. In fact" He turned to Tommy, "It's been recommended to me that you be exiled" Tommy's eyes went wide.
"You can't do that man! From the beginning it's always been you and me against Dream. It's been us"
"Tommy, I will do everything in my power to keep that from happening, but I need more options" He looked to the rest of his cabinet. "We need alternatives. I do not want Tommy exiled, but if war is our only other option, I don't know what else we can do. Someone give me ideas"
"What if we try a probation? Like don't exile but take away his power for a while?" Fundy looked cautious as he voiced his suggestion. It was met with anger by Tommy.
"We can't-"
"That is a brilliant idea. And we can extend it if he, yknow, steps out of line" Tubbo considered this while Tommy gave him an offended look.
"Probation Tubbo? Why would you do that to me?"
"Would you rather be on probation or exiled Tommy? I know my answer" Tommy grumbled but kept quiet. The meeting was ended and they went their separate ways to prepare for the next day. Tubbo lagged behind to talk to Tommy alone. He walked side by side with him and Ranboo until they were in the main square.
"Ranboo can I talk to Tommy alone for a minute" Ranboo nodded at him.
"Yes of course, Mr. President" Ranboo winked at him and they all laughed. The three of them made a joke of calling Tubbo Mr. President, since the title didn't feel real to him. When Ranboo was out of earshot, Tubbo turned to Tommy.
"Tell me what you did"
"I didn't do-"
"Tommy I've known you for to long to believe that"
"I may have accidentally robbed George's house" Tubbo looked at him wide eyed.
"How did you accidentally rob someone! And the king no less!"
"It gets worse" Tubbo had to refrain from slapping his forehead. "In the process, Gearoge's house may have caught on fire"
"Tell me you're joking"
"I wouldn't want to lie"
"Tommy! How could you be so irresponsible!"
"I'm sorry man! It was an accident, I swear. I was just mad about all the damage Dream caused and I know George is his closest friend"
"So you robbed him?! Why would you do that Tommy! You can't do that when you're leading a nation!"
"You're in charge. L'Manberg is safe. I don't need to worry about it anymore! I want to get my disks back" He really didn't see how his actions could cost them.
"Tommy, you're the Vice President! What you do affects this nation. You have to behave, or Dream is going to tear us apart"
"I'm sorry Tubbo! But he exploded L'Manberg many times. Robbed us, killed our friends, kept us from independence. Excuse me if I don't exactly feel bad"
"I don't care if you feel bad about it. I care that you were stupid enough to do this while being the Vice President. This isn't the same as what Dream did to us. We aren't at war, we can't afford to start a war. You were unprovoked, and you burnt a kings house down"
"I'd hardly say unprovoked with all the shit him and Dream put us through!"
"With all they put us through, we won. That was our payback. Gaining independence from them. Then beating Schlatt when he was aligned with them. We were even, and you attacked them. You might've just started the war that could end L'Manberg" He turned away and stormed to his house. He knew he was being harsh on Tommy, but he had to be. If he kept up stunts like this, Dream would crush them.

Hey guys, I'm really behind on this which makes it hard for me to update often. I'm doing my best but they will be less frequent. Anyways here's Tubbo. Any guess on who's chapter is next? -MJ

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