Chapter 5~ Welcome Back, Lets Do This

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"Hey" I say as he looks at me like I just talked a different language.

"Peter I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just-" he cuts me off. "No I get it. You're right, I do think highly of Mr.Stark, and that if I knew it would impact how I acted around you verses how I did when I didn't know."

He walks closer to me. "Like last night. I had a great time, but if I knew you were a Stark I would have never let that happen. I'm just sorry I stood there in silence earlier when Tony was mad."

I laughed a bit. "You probably made a good choice because if you spoke up he would've most likely gotten even more concerned."

We both laugh and talk for a bit longer before everyone else came back.

"We're back!" Bucky shouted as they walked through the door.

"Sorry it took so long. Tony and Thor wanted pizza so we had to make two stops. Pizza or Thai, pick your poison"

Sam exclaimed as they got everything out. Peter and I came into the kitchen where everyone was and they just stared.

"Hey Sophie! Glad to see you're back" Wanda said as she passed me some pizza.

"Yeah, I just had to clear my head a bit." I said as we walked over to the living room.

The rest of the night went normal, I went to bed early so I would be ready for tomorrow and whatever it may hold.

Everyone else started heading off one by one till it was only Tony, Thor, Rhodey, Clint, Steve and Peter left. Peter was leaving to go to bed when Tony walked up to him.

"Parker" Peter turned around. "Yes Mr.Stark?" "Remember out talk from earlier?" Tony asked as he put his arm around Peter and continued walking.

"Yes?" Peter responded. "Great" Tony continued "well I saw how Sophia kept looking at you, even from the picture, I've never seem her smile like that-" Peter cuts him off. 

"What picture?" He asks.

"This morning" Tony replied "Wanda caught you two and took a picture" Peter looks at him with wide eyes, then Tony continues.

"Anyway as I was saying, if you really like her, I won't stand in your way." Peter starts to smile as they slowly approach his bedroom door.

"Just don't do anything stupid Parker or you'll deal with me. Got it kid?" Tony asks as they come to a complete stop.

"Yes sir, I understand" Peter replied. "Thank you"

Little do they know I'm in my room still awake and heard most of their conversation."Night kid" Tony says as he heads back downstairs.

"Night" Peter reply's as he's going into his room and heading to sleep.

The next morning I wake up at 5:30 and eat breakfast, after eating I go downstairs to train for about 3 hours before taking a shower.

When I come back down I see everyone suiting up. "Whats going on?" I asked as I approached my dad.

"We have a mission, suit up and be on he jet in 2" he replied. "Hurry up"

So I race upstairs and get changed. On the way there agent Fury informs us what the mission is from a call.

"This guy goes by Ultron" Fury explains. "He has a huge robot army that he created"

We all look out the windows of the quinjet "where is Ultron?" Steve asks.

"Ultron is the tall robot in the court yards area. Don't let me down." Fury hangs up.

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