Chapter 15~ Good Byes Aren't Forever

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When we get back to the compound they bring me to the lab and lay me down on one of the beds in there. Bruce hooks me up to a heart rate detector and some other machines. After that he treats some of my wounds on my face and arms from injections and being beat for resisting.

"Well we have done all we can, she should be up in the next few hours. Also, by looking at her labs and a blood sample, it seems the stuff that hydra injected her with gave her more powers." Bruce said as he left the room I am in. "What do you mean by more powers?" Peter asked Bruce. "More abilities, like how they did to Wanda and Pietro, one that I was able to see is faster natural regeneration." "English please" Steve said as he took a seat beside Nat, "that was english." Tony smugly replied.

"It means she can heal herself, not only that but she can do it within a matter of minutes maybe seconds, so she shouldn't take too long to wake up seeing as her body is going double time." Bruce finished. "Thanks Bruce" Tony pats Bruces shoulder as he walks into the room and sits beside me and grabs my hand.

"Im sorry kid, I should have shown up sooner or stuck with you on the mission. Please just wake up soon." Tony spent the next 3 hours by my side with his head on my hand holding onto me.

I slowly start to wake up and move my hand ad he wakes up, "hey dad" "Hey how are you feeling" "I've been better, my head hurts, what happened?" Tony explained what happened and told me about the potential new powers. After that he went and got some people, small amounts at a time therefore to not overwhelm me. Peter was the last one to see me. When he came in everyone left to give us some privacy.

"Your up!" Peter ran and gave me a hug, I could tell he had been crying. "Hey yeah Im up why are you so sad" "I missed you so much" he kissed me as I lay in the bed and slowly pulls away "I missed you too" I say quietly "wanna watch Star Wars" I give him a slight grin "always." He gets into the bed beside me and we watch Star Wars and eventually fall asleep.

Over the next 4 months things between Peter and I couldn't be better, we have now been together for over a year and I have learned more about my new powers and was trying my best to control them but wasn't working out the best, so I wore power defuser bracelets every time I wasn't training for safety.

One Friday Peter and I were walking back to my house from school. Walking up the drive way we see an unfamiliar car. We walk inside and I see my both of my parents and a stranger. "Hey guys, who's this?" I ask as Peter and I walk into the dining room where they are talking. "Hey honey how was school?" "It was good, but you didn't answer my question" I place down my bag with a confused and untrusting look on my face. "Im Mrs. Walton, I hear you are having troubles controlling powers."

"Whats going on" I grab Peters hand under the table as I start to worry. "Soph, your father and I have been talking, these powers. We haven't been able to help you and are out of our reach-" Tony finishes "Mrs. Walton here works at an organization that has over kids with your abilities and helps train them while keeping them in school as you regularly would. This way you are keeping your education and learning more about how to control your powers."

"Your sending me away to a boarding school that trains my powers!?!" "Sophie calm down" "No dad I will not calm down this is stupid! The defusers are working just fine I don't want to leave" "and we don't want you to, but it's what's best" I start to cry "no, please no" "I'm sorry Sophie. You can go pack and have Peter help you. They have uniforms there so just bring belongings"

Peter and I go upstairs as I start to pack photos and memorable toys that hold special meanings. "This can't be happening" Peter holds me in his arms "its ok we will figure this out. Okay?" He kisses the top of my head as he pulls away and help me continue to pack. Once we finish we go back down and outside where I see my parents and the rest if the avengers waiting. I put my bag in the car and give them all hugs as I say good bye.

"Bye honey" "we love you" i say good bye to my parents and give them both hugs. Lastly time to say good bye to Peter, I see him trying not to cry which just makes me cry "seems like neither of us can hold it together" we both laugh a bit before he gives me a hug "its ok I will wait for you, good byes aren't forever my love."
This is the last part of this story. My next story will be started later this week. This is NOT the very last part if the story I may make a book 2 Im not sure yet.
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Sorry if there are spelling errors
Hope you are enjoying ❤️

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