Time - sakusa

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genre: tooth-rotting fluff

warnings: none

word count: 822

a cute moment I pictured between sakusa kiyoomi and his so :)

I was so tired. The stress of quarantine hung like a layer of fog in my mind, stretching each day into a week and the week into a year. Often, the walk home was one of the best parts of my day but not today. Tomorrow was the weekend – I just wanted to get home and see my boyfriend. Despite being in quarantine, Kiyoomi and I had not spent any time alone together. When either of us walked into our apartment the other seemed to be walking out.

Not bothering to cover my yawn, I trudged up the steps to our apartment, jangling my keys to the beat of the song stuck in my head for the past week. Unlocking our front door, I stepped into what could only be described as a makeshift quarantine zone. Plastic and tape sealed the main hallway, directing any visitors down a side hallway instead; not that we had invited any guests over in months.

The door closed behind me, the familiar smell of home wafting over my senses. I pulled my shoes off by the door, listening for a sign Kiyoomi was home. But the only sounds in our apartment were the bedroom TV droning in the background and the neighbors moving around upstairs. He must not be back from practice yet.

Shuffling down the hallway, I began to peel my clothes off and bunch them into my arms, trying to remember what Kiyoomi said about cleaning them. Living with Sakusa during a worldwide pandemic was an adjustment, but the amount of effort he put into keeping the both of us safe and healthy made my heart warm; I would not say no to his instructions even if I wanted to. The rules we followed were programmed into my everyday life and, honestly, I was looking forward to showering the day's grime off.

Thankfully – for this exact reason – Kiyoomi had written instructions taped to the mirror. Scanning through the list, I shoved my clothes inside a bag in the hamper; they would be washed tomorrow if I remembered. Next, the disposable gloves came off and went in the trash, and I spent a few minutes washing my hands with the medical grade hand soap my boyfriend ordered in bulk before quarantine even began. Finally, while the shower heated to the perfect temperature, I pulled off my mask and tossed it next to the gloves. Between the two of us we must have gone through hundreds of disposable masks and gloves.

Bracing both hands on the countertop I stretched, relishing in the movement and moment – the first moment alone all day. I was looking forward to time with Kiyoomi, but to truly enjoy time with anyone after a week like this one I needed a second to myself. After pressing play on I stepped into the shower, the water instantly oozing the tension from my bones. My body slowly relaxed through the routine actions, the water pressure dispersing the haze eddying around my thoughts. The music hummed through the air, cutting the room off from the rest of the world; the city racing through the night outside the bathroom window.

Once the world tour concluded, I turned the water off and opened the shower curtain, shivers wracking my body from the temperature difference. My brain acknowledged the open bathroom door before I caught Kiyoomi's face in the mirror. I screeched inhumanly, nearly jumping out of my skin. Bracing my beating heart with one hand, I sent him a stiff glare.

"Ki, what the fuck."

He smiled softly, approaching me without saying anything. He folded my body up inside a towel with a hug, the warmth of the heated towel and his body heat seeping into my skin. I sunk into his embrace, feeling bad for swearing at him instantly – he had set time aside to surprise me with a hot towel. "I'm sorry," I murmured into his shoulder. Pressing a kiss against my forehead, he pulled away, moving towards the countertops. Missing his warmth, I pulled the towel tighter around my shoulders with a pout.

He grasped something from the counter and turned, hiding it from me and the mirror, "Did you have a good day?" I nodded, staring at him with soft, curious smile. "That's good," He said, revealing my favorite pajamas and a cup of my favorite drink. My heart melted inside my chest, dissolving into my bloodstream, and disappearing forever.

I do not know what god put this incredible man in my life, but I swear to pray every day for the rest of my life.

"Babe..." I trailed off, my eyes watering.

"Hurry up and change"—he folded the clothes onto the counter—"I want cuddles before food." He shut the door behind him, his footsteps pattering down the hall.

I gazed after him, a soft, sappy smile on my lips. Well, I had no choice really.

He still had my drink.

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