Early Mornings part one - kenma

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genre: fluff 

warnings: some light swearing ?? otherwise just fluff 

word count: 858

Of course, I would be late to the bus for Nekoma's only second away tournament. Groaning to myself, I struggled across the parking lot, trying desperately to balance my bag and all the team's water bottles.


Startled by Kuroo's loud voice (especially for so early in the morning) my concentration broke and the bag slipped from my grasp. One second, all I could do was watch as the cloth dropped out of sight over the water bottles in my arms. Are you shitting me-

The next, Kenma was standing next to me, phone in one hand and my bag in the other. My eyebrows raised in surprise, where had he come from?

We both looked up as Kuroo appeared in the bus entrance, arms crossed and eyes narrowed at the two of us, "You're both late."

"Sorry, Kuroo," I murmured, my mind entirely focused on not dropping the rest of my stuff. Kenma merely shrugged at his friend, golden eyes still hazy from sleep. Kuroo rolled his eyes and beckoned us to follow him into the bus.

"Thanks for catching that, Kenma," I whispered, not wanting to wake anyone up or piss off Kuroo more. He shrugged again and stepped onto the bus, sliding my bag over the shoulder that wasn't carrying his own. With the memory of Kuroo yelling at me fresh in my memory, I hurried after him.

I said a few words to Nekomata-senpai at the front of the bus first, before walking into the back. Kuroo stood up from his seat to take the container of water bottles from me, setting them in the empty space next to him with a smirk. Rolling my eyes, I turned away to find an empty seat somewhere else on the bus. My worry began to grow as I quickly realized everyone besides Kuroo, Kenma, the coaches, the driver, and myself had fallen asleep and were sprawled out across the seats. Lev took up three by himself. There was no room for me to sit unless I wanted to wake someone up, and I really, really didn't want to do that.

Shit, where was my bag-


Kenma's soft voice was difficult to hear over the sound of Inuoka's snoring, but I was used to listening for his voice. I pivoted in the aisle to see him place my bag on the floor next to his seat, "You can sit here." My heart stuttered. Kenma never let anyone sit next to him on the bus.

"Thanks, Kenma," I thanked him for the second time this morning, ducking my head to hide the slight redness of my cheeks. Genuinely grateful I didn't have to wake up any crabby Nekoma players, I slid into the seat and did my best to ignore Kuroo who was snickering across the aisle.

Kenma went back to his phone and I pulled out my earbuds, prepared to let my music lull me back to dreamland. The bus began to move, and it was only a few minutes until I dozed off. My head dipped to the side, resting for a split second on Kenma's shoulder. I shot up in my seat, "I-I'm so sorry Ken-"

"You look tired," He said without even glancing my way, "you can use my shoulder as a pillow, I don't mind."

Mouth gaping, I blinked at him for a second. "Thank you," I murmured, settling back down and carefully laying my head back on his shoulder. I didn't want to seem eager, but I also didn't want to seem ungrateful. My eyes began to drift shut again and unconsciously I let out a soft sigh, shuffling to get comfortable.

Kenma shifted in his seat, and I tensed, my eyes shooting open. Was I invading his personal space too much? Did he want me to move? I waited for him to say something, but he didn't even glance at me, concentrating on his game. My eyes drifted to his screen where his character was trying to craft something. It failed, and he cursed quietly.

"You're not putting the ingredient in the right box," I yawned sleepily, burying my face between his shoulder and the chair.

"Hmm?" He hummed, the blonde ends of his hair brushing my face as he turned to look at me.

I opened my eyes again, resting my chin on his shoulder and pointed at his screen, "It goes in the top center."

By the time he had enough ingredients to try again, I was barely conscious. What I suggested must have worked however, because just as I drifted off Kenma said, ever so softly, "Thank you."


Kenma glanced down at the team's manager who was fast asleep next to him, face hidden in his shoulder and hair in every direction. They shifted a bit and he froze – staring straight at his phone. He didn't want to get caught staring, Kuroo would tease him enough as it is.

He glanced again to make sure they were still asleep and couldn't help the tiny smile pulling at his lips as they let out a soft sigh.

Maybe volleyball wouldn't be too awful this year.

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