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I woke up a few hours ago and decided that today was the day I really wanted to go to a skate park. I checked with Dom earlier and he is down to take me to his favourite one in LA. I have an hour before we planned on leaving so I head upstairs to my room to get changed into something more comfy and easy to move in.

I put on a black tank top with my red and black flannel, unbuttoned. I part it with some denim shorts and of course my trusty Doc's. I head down stairs only to find out that Bryan and Tyler are coming with us. I'm not annoyed just surprised.

Dom: You don't mind if Tyler and Bryan come with us do you?

Alyssa: Fine with me but I can't promise to hold your hands. I'm very competative.

Bryan: I don't need no hand holding. I can board Alyssa.

Dom: Bryan, I wouldn't challenge her. Neither of you have any idea what your up against.

Dom and I share a look before we start laughing and leave the house. Keeping the secret a little longer from the others should be fun. I note the look on Tylers face but decide to ignore it. I've still not answered his messages after last nights live stream. He actually had to nerve to act jealous about the little game Bryan and I had. Ridiculous. You didn't see me getting jealous when it was him and Chris choking each other. Seriously the boy has some nerve.

Half an hour later and Dom is pulling up to the skate park. I turn to him and smile, not to mention I may or not have let out an excited squeal. 👀 We all get out of the car, grabbing our boards. Once I have what I need I walk over to Dom.

Alyssa: You ready?

Dom: Hell Yeah. Let's show these LA boys how it's done.

Alyssa: Aren't you sort of classed as an LA boy now?

Dom: No, I will always be a Jersey boy.

Alyssa: Okay. Which ramps are you going on? Think I'm going to head over to the high ones.

Dom: I'll come with you but I can't promise I'm going down those ones.

Alyssa: Okay you little baby, maybe I will hold your hand. I tease him while laughing at his unimpressed expression. 

Dom: Laugh it up Alyssa but I might actually take you up on the offer.

I turn back to look at Bryan and Tyler who are deep in conversation. It looks like Bryan is giving Tyler an earful about something. I hope everything is okay. I am not a girly for confgrontation. 

Alyssa: By boys, Dom and I will catch you later. I promised to show him some tricks.

I jump on Dom's back, tucking my skateboard under my arm while Dom walks us over to the ramps. Once we are close enough I jump down thanking him for the ride. Together we walk to the edge of the entry ramps which aren't that steep. We put our boards down on the floor and get ready to go. I walk over to the edge, balancing the board and then look over to Dom.

Alyssa: Prepare to be amazed my friend as for I am about to show you something only the champions can do.

I put my foot down on the board, shifting all of my weight and leaning forward. The board follows the direction of my bodyweight and I skate down the ramp gathering speed. Once I have steadied myself enough, I take a moment familiarise myself with the bearings of the ramps and the board itself. I count my timings like I used to and then gather up speed. Speed was important if I wanted this trick to be a success.

I kick start the trick with a 360 frontside pop-shove it combined with a varial heel flip. It's not an easy trick to master let alone successfully pull off but I land it perfectly. I guess I have the many years of training and competing to thank for that. I continue to skate a little longer doing the occasional Olly.

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