Drabbles Part 7 (Scomiche, Drarry)

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Continued from Part 6, more drabbles based on twitter prompts for scenes from my longer AUs (mostly).

Prompt: Heading back to Texas for Christmas as a couple but staying in the original hotel for....memories, from Lisa_R

Christmas Continuation (PG, Synchronicity)

Mitch pauses in the doorway, sliding his bag off his shoulder. Wow. He's not sure if Scott requested it or if it's coincidence, but the room's layout is exactly as he remembers.

The weirdly rippled ceiling. The sturdy headboard. The oversized digital clock.

Scott struggles through the door with the rest of their luggage, almost bumping into Mitch since he's still right in the foyer.

"Is something wrong?" he asks, setting the suitcases on the floor.

"No, it's perfect." Mitch grins and pulls Scott down into a kiss. "Merry Christmas."

"Mmm," Scott agrees, crowding him into the wall. "Happy Anniversary."

PROMPT: Scott hitting on DJ Mitch (pretending they're not already dating), from oneofthreenerds.

Corny Connotations (PG-13, Synchronicity)

"When you're done with those decks you should take me for a spin."

Mitch's eyeroll only seems to encourage the blond.

He smirks and leans closer. "I love a hard scratch...down my back."

Better. Slightly.

"There's nothing like a good sub..." Mitch expects that to end with 'bass drop' or 'woofer', but he trails off with a suggestive swig from his bottle.

"Is he bothering you?" the bouncer finally asks.

"No." Mitch crossfades to his newest release. The blond's pupils dilate as a deep groove pulses around the sound of Mitch's voice breaking. "I know how to turn the tables."

PROMPT: "I know you specified PTX but like, if you felt inspired to write some drarry, I wouldn't be mad", from eowyn1986.

Household Management (G, this is the sum total of my Drarry works)

Draco stares glumly into the pan.

"It's not disastrous," Harry says, like that's helpful.

"I'd aimed more for 'tasty' than 'not disastrous.'" Draco pokes his wand into the end result. "Perhaps 'edible' at minimum."

"Let me salvage it," Harry says, grabbing milk from the muggle cold whatsit and rummaging through the spice rack.

"You hate cooking," Draco protests. That's the entire point of him trying to learn.

"I hate having to cook." Harry's already whisking something, the irritatingly competent prat. "Helping to cook is fine."

"Malfoys don't help," Draco insists. "We manage."

For example, he manages to duck Harry's whisk.

PROMPT: A game of poker, from DabMyWetties.

One-Armed Bandit (PG, Blink)

Kirstie buying Scott a card holder so he could still do band poker night is the nicest thing.

Until she bluffs him out of $20 on a single hand. "You bitch."

She smiles sweetly and deals the cards.

Kevin takes the opportunity to stretch his arms. Suspiciously.

"If you don't stop trying to look at my hand, Olusola, I will end you."

Kevin eyes him. "Pretty sure I can take you. I always could, but it's even easier now."

Rude. "Isn't cheating a sin?"

"So is gambling." Kevin shrugs. "Raise ten."

Scott should have stashed more cash in his sling.

PROMPT: Something fluffy from Blood Lines or Folie a Q, from Sreed09.


Scott snuffles in his sleep, and Mitch smiles, watching. He's grey at the temples now, salted through his beard. His laugh lines are deeper, his jawline less sharp.

It makes him more handsome, Mitch thinks, even as he begrudgingly touches up his own face to match.

Scott's due for promotion, and Mitch knows he'll take it this time. He's pulled to the stars, but he also wants roots. It's hard to start a family on a starship.

Scott pulls Mitch closer, and he willingly goes.

He'll miss the adventure. But there's fun to be found in starting a new one.

PROMPT: A happy reunion or where they're drawn together by destiny, from Pam.

Unweaving the Web (PG-13, Blood Lines)

Esther is speaking, the others interrupting, clarifying, strategizing.

Meanwhile, Mitch and Scott haven't broken eye contact since they reconvened. The pull Mitch feels towards him is inescapable.

"Are they even listening?" Esther asks.

"They're mooning over each other again." The frustration in Kirstin's voice is palpable. "Scott! Ceasefire treaty, remember?"

"Magus," Kevin prompts Mitch. "Multiple unresolved disputes need your attention."

Yeah, but no one's dying over those today, so they'll wait.

"You cannot fuck your way through 700 years of animosity!" Kirstin yells as they get up to leave.

Probably not. But Scott's shy smile makes Mitch want to try.


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