Shadows dream of endless fire,
Flames devour and embers swoop,
One will light the Nightmare Lantern,
Call and serve in Grimm's dead Troupe.
A spark of red lights darkest dream,
Scarlet nightmares bright and wild,
Visions dance and flames do speak,
Writing this on the same day as Chapter 5. May not be uploaded on the same day, though. Either way, it's a new chapter very soon after. Hope you all enjoy it!
(2nd POV)
So, now you have every Nightmare Flame. Now, all you have to do is go to your dad, and you'll be stronger. You'll have to wait until later, though, since you're still collecting samples for Professor Peach after the fight. You heard a roar out in the distance, followed by screaming. Ruby stood up, concerned.
Ruby: "Did you guys hear that?"
All of Team CRDL, other than the leader of the team, ran from the direction of the roar. You were hoping the roar wasn't what you thought it was.
Mr. Mohawk: "Ursa! Ursa!" While screaming, he ran straight into Yang, who picked him up by his shirt. The roar was definitely what you thought it was.
Yang: "What?! Where?"
Mr. Mohawk was still running in the air, and pointed back from where his team ran from.
Mr. Mohawk: "Back there! It's got Cardin!"
Ms. Warrior, who you really need to figure out the name of, dropped her jar of sap.
Ms. Warrior: "Jaune!"
Ruby went into some kind of "Leader Mode" and started giving orders to everyone around. The only other time you ever saw her like this was with the very badly made bunk beds, which you were sure would fall over very soon.
Ruby: "Yang! You and Blake, go get Professor Goodwitch!" The two mentioned dropped Mr. Mohawk and nodded, running off. Her and Ms. Warrior activated their weapons.
Ms. Warrior: "You two, go with them! There could be more!" Ren and Nora ran off.
The four of you had arrived to see Cardin and Jaune getting beat up by an Ursa.
Ms. Warrior: "Oh, no!" Basic cartoon language saying the situation is bad. You could've responded with "OH YEAH!", but this was not the time.
The Ursa leaned over Cardin, about to strike with its paw, and you were kind of cheering for it. Unfortunately for you, Jaune ran in and blocked it with Crocea Mors's shield. He struggled to hold the probably very heavy paw up and defend Cardin, and Weiss lifted up Myrtenaster.
Ms. Warrior: "Wait!"
Jaune moved his shield out of the way, and slashed at the Ursa's stomach. The Ursa lashed out and attempted to crush Jaune, causing him to roll away. It swiped at his feet, and Jaune dodged, only to be hit with the Ursa's other paw in mid-air. He landed far away, jumping back up to his feet and charged past Cardin and to the Ursa again. It knocked Jaune behind it, who looked at something in his shield. You don't know what caused it, but suddenly he got a little worried and more mad, and charged the Ursa.
What happened next seemed like it was in slow motion. You saw Ms. Warrior lift her hand up as a dark red energy surrounded it and Jaune's shield. The shield shifted slightly, blocked the Ursa's paw, and left its defense wide open. Jaune saw the opportunity and cut the head of the Grimm clean off, and both pieces fell to the ground. You had gotten used to seeing your brethren being murdered before your very eyes, so you had gotten kind of used to it. It still hurt, though. Ms. Warrior smiled and out her hand back down, which stilled glowing. All three of you turned to her, surprised.
Ruby: "Uhhh... What?"
Weiss: "How did you...?"
Ms. Warrior: "Well, Ruby has her speed, you have your glyphs. My semblance is polarity." It seems both you and Ruby were thinking the same thing, by what Ruby said next.
Ruby: "Whoa, you can control poles..."
Weiss: "No, you dunce! It means she has control over magnetism!" This did not faze Ruby, who whispered, still impressed.
Ruby: "Magnets are cool, too..."
Weiss noticed Ms. Warrior start to leave.
Weiss: "Wait, where are you going?"
Ruby: "Yeah, we gotta tell them what happened!"
Ms. Warrior: "We could... Or perhaps we could keep it our little secret?" She walked away again. Ruby and Weiss smiled to each other in understanding as Jaune, who looked like literally everything hurt, sheathed his weapon and walked to Cardin.
You finally noticed what attracted the Ursa to Cardin. There was a big, red spot on his armor. That spot, was the extra sap from the extra jar. Now you also understood why there was an extra jar. Cardin looked up at Jaune, who offered him a hand. The bully grabbed his hand and pulled himself up, smiling.
Cardin: "Holy crap, Jaune!"
Jaune: "Don't ever mess with my team--my friends--ever again." He stared Cardin dead in the eye so threateningly that you weren't even sure if this was Jaune anymore. "Got it?"
Cardin was intimidated. More than that, even, maybe a little apologetic. While he was frozen, Jaune walked away.
While everyone else went back to Beacon, Ruby had informed Ozpin that she had the third Nightmare Flame. Team RWBY had now gotten off of the Bullhead and walked back into the forest where they had found the Grimm Troupe. Yang, Weiss, and Blake stayed behind, staying with Brumm and listening to his music. Ruby flew through using her Semblance, stopping in the big, empty room once again.
Grimm's spotlight was already shining down where he would stand. The lanterns hanging around the room were already lit. Red smoke appeared, and in it, your father. He stood facing away from Ruby, his cloak swaying in the non-existent wind.
Grimm: "I can feel it. The warmth of the flame you've gathered together. A masterful opening act. The air hums with excitement. Dear child, you've done so well. Let your fire burn even higher!" He snapped, sending flames into you.
You had grown now, basically from a baby to a toddler. You had a longer, thinner body, still grey with black stripes. The tendrils on your back had grown slightly longer, and now you had two horns instead of one. You were about the length of Ruby's forearm now. The pin on Ruby's belt had also changed. The shape was the same, but the red parts had changed to have bumps instead of lines, and the eyes had opened.
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(Just this. Sorry for the bad image, couldn't find a better one.)
Grimm: "Beautiful, yes. The child has grown, from idle youth to deadly companion. About these dangerous lands, its aid will no doubt be welcome. Just don't neglect our dance, for it too continues! Keep hunting that scattered, scarlet essence. When the child is filled with flame once more, return to the stage and the performance will begin." He spun, and disappeared in another cloud of red smoke.
You curled around Ruby's neck like a feather boa. You were tired, both from basically evolving, and because it was the middle of the night. Ruby walked out from the room, meeting her team with Brumm. You couldn't really understand what was being said, you were half-asleep. The only thing you felt before finally passing out was a soft bed and two arms wrapping around you.
Two chapters in one day, with 1,169 words for this one! My phone is right about to die. Anyway, you grew up, now you'll be able to speak better and help with fights. Hope you all enjoyed the chapter!
Anyway, I'm going to end this here. Goodbye, for now.