Chapter 9

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This chapter might not be as long as other chapters, since Team RWBY doesn't take up the full episode. We're entering Volume 2 now, in the first episode, so in pretty sure you know what'll happen in this episode.

(2nd POV)

Today was a special day. According to you and Ruby, it would be the Best Day Ever! You even had a binder full of plans, (definitely not stolen). You were currently carrying said binder to the rest of your team members, who were sitting at a table and talking amongst themselves. This gave you an idea. You whispered to Ruby about your "great plan". She smiled mischievously and nodded, and you both began to slowly sneak towards your unsuspecting teammates. Lifting the binder up high, Ruby then slammed it down onto the table, making your teammates jump.

Ruby: "Sisters..."

You: "Moms..."

Ruby: "Weiss..." This offended Ice Mom.

Weiss: "Hey!"

Ruby: "Four score and seven minutes ago, we had a dream..."

Yang: "This ought to be good." Right after she said this, she opened her mouth and a berry flew in.

Ruby: "A dream that one day, the five of us will come together, as a family and a team, and have the most fun anyone has ever had..."

You: "Ever!"

Weiss: "Did you steal my binder?"

Ruby: She made peace signs on both hands, smiling and quickly saying, "I am not a crook."

Blake: "What are you talking about?"

Ruby: "We're talking about kicking the semester off with a bang!" She pointed her finger at Blake.

Yang: "I always kick my semesters of with  a Yang! Eh? Guys? Am I right?" No.

An apple hit Yang in the face, followed by a "Boooooooooooooooo!" from Nora. Yang glared back at her.

Ruby: "Look guys, it's been a good two weeks and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great! But, classes start back up tomorrow! Which is why we've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events for us today. Some of them (Y/N) even came up with by himself!" She rubbed the space between your horns, earning a small purr in response.

Weiss: "I don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you two have in store. However, I am proud of (Y/N) coming up with some of those events on his own." She gave you a small smile, and you gave a big, happy smile back.

Unlike Weiss, though, Yang was still glaring at Nora. You looked over to her to see her toss an apple at Nora. Sadly, it missed and hit some random student in the head. He shouted, "Hey!", but nobody cared.

Blake: "I don't know. I think I might sit this one out."

Weiss: "Sit out or not, I think that however we spend this last day, we should do it as a team!"

Nora: "I got it!"

Weiss: "I for one think that..." Before she could finish her sentence, a pie hit her in the face.

All of you looked at Nora, who was pointing to Ren. He had his face in his palm. Next to him was Ms. Warrior, who hand her hand over her mouth, and after her was Jaune with his hand on his cheek.

One second, the whole room was calm. The next, food was flying in every direction, drinks were being launched around, and even Jaune was thrown into a window. Students were running everywhere, trying not to get hit. Team JNPR gathered a bunch of tables into a tall stack, with Nora on the top and Jaune, Ren, and Ms. Warrior acting as guards on the lower tables and vending machines. A path of tables was made between your side and theirs, with more tables on the sides.

(Hiatus?)Drawn to the Fire (Grimmchild Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now