Chapter 7

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Another chapter sent out. Sadly, I can't keep this going forever. Eventually, I'll stop sending out so many chapters like this, since this is mainly because of Christmas break. Anyway, on to the story!

(2nd POV)

You had never seen anything quite like this before. To celebrate for the Vytal Festival, Vale was covered in balloons and streamers, all of which were in many different colors. The old shopkeep, that beautiful man, was hanging up a banner with bright red letters, spelling out, "WELCOME TO VALE!" for the teams from other kingdoms. Team RWBY was walking through the streets, admiring all of the decorations. You were hiding in Ruby's hood, curled up since you couldn't fit that well anymore. Weiss was enjoying this way too much, though. She stopped and raised her arms in amazement.

Weiss: "The Vytal Festival! Oh, this is absolutely wonderful!"

Ruby: "I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much, Weiss." Ruby's smile went to a frown. "It's kinda weirding me out..." You stuck your head out to agree with her.

You: "Don't like..."

Team RWBY had been teaching you how to speak after Ruby told them about your first word with Jaune. You didn't know much, but it was enough to express how you were feeling and have a basic conversation. Anyway, Weiss turned to you and Ruby, still smiling.

Weiss: "How could you not smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be dances! Parades! A tournament! Oh, the amount of planning and organization that goes into the even is simply breathtaking!" They continued walking. Yang sighed and crossed her arms.

Yang: "You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring."

Weiss: "Quiet, you!" You all stopped near the docks, hearing the foghorns from ships arriving.

Yang: "Remind me again why we're spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks?"

Ruby covered her nose, and you buried your face in her hood to block out the smell.

Ruby: "Ugh, they smell like fish!"

Weiss: "I've heard that students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today. And, as a representative of Beacon, I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom!" She begins walking away again.

Blake: "She just wants to spy on them so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament." Weiss stopped and scoffed.

Weiss: "You can't prove that!"

You: "Smart..."

Weiss: "At least you understand!"

Ruby turned her head to the right, seeing what looked like a crime scene.

Ruby: "Whoa."

All of you turned to see what she saw. There was a building down the street with a shattered window, and the door was covered in yellow tape. Some detectives were standing in front of the scene, one writing on his Scroll with the other nearby.

Ruby: "What happened here?"

Detective 1: "Robbery. Second Dust shop to be hit this week. This place is turning into a jungle." He walked over to his partner. Yang sighed.

Yang: "That's terrible."

Detective 2: "They left all the money again." You and Ruby turned your heads to face them.

Ruby: "Huh?"

Detective 1: "Yeah, just doesn't make a lick of sense. Who needs that much Dust?"

Detective 2: "I don't know, an army?"

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