Chapter 9

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"Where do you run off to right after school everyday?" Hoseok asked Namjoon the next day, their fight yesterday already forgotten as they walked to class.

"None of your business." Namjoon sat down at his desk.

"Tell me and then it will be my business." Hoseok insisted. "Is it a girl?" His eyes widened. "Is it Jimin?!"

"Leave it alone." Namjoon growled. "It's not Jimin."

His phone buzzed in his pocket and he dug it out, ready to block Yoongi's number, but then he saw it wasn't from the dom.

555-8275: hey, is this kim namjoon? my name's park jimin- our parents are kinda forcing us to get dinner tonight?

Wondering how the boy had gotten his number, Namjoon typed a reply as the bell rang.

Namjoon: hey, yeah, they are. how'd you find my number?

555-8275: your mom gave it to me lol. she really wants us to get along

Namjoon: she's pushy, sorry if she's annoyed you.

555:-8275: haha she means well. anyways, I guess I'll text you later about time and location and all that. see you tonight!

Namjoon added Jimin into his contacts, making sure Hoseok didn't see, as he knew the boy would totally steal Jimin's number and spam the model.

Jungkook slid into his seat, sweaty and out of breath.

"Whoa, I didn't think you were coming in today!" Hoseok whispered behind Namjoon to Jungkook as the teacher started the lesson. "Aren't you still sick?"

"Getting over it, and I didn't want to fall behind on school." Jungkook whispered back. He smiled. "Thanks for your care package, by the way. I feel a lot better already."

Hoseok ruffled the younger boys hair. "I'll always be there for you, Koo."

"Is there talking going on back there?" The teacher called and the two students quickly broke apart.

"Yeah, they're distracting me." Namjoon pointed to Hoseok and Jungkook.

"Dude." Hoseok stared at Namjoon.

"Mr. Jung, Mr. Jeon, one more word out of either of you and you can spend the rest of class in detention." The teacher snapped.

Jungkook squeaked and looked at his desk while Hoseok glared at Namjoon.

"Asshole." He muttered, pulling out his notebook.

Namjoon didn't care what Hoseok thought about him, he had far more important things going on right now.


Between classes, Namjoon ducked into the bathroom and pulled his phone back out, swiping past Jimin's chat and clicking on Yoongi's.

Fucking Pervert: Namjoon, answer the phone.

Fucking Pervert: Namjoon- I'm serious. We need to talk about this, it's clearly bothering you

Fucking Pervert: I just want you to be okay

Fucking Pervert: please answer

Namjoon: I need to skip today's session.

Namjoon exhaled slowly, trying to calm down his slightly racing heart.

He didn't know why it was racing, but he didn't like it.

Yoongi was quick to reply, calling the student.

Namjoon groaned, but checked to make sure he was alone in the bathroom still before answering.


"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked.

Namjoon sighed. "As okay as I can be with you in my life, pervert."

"Why do you need to skip today?"

"Because I need time to get ready after school for something." Namjoon said evasively.

"What is it?"


"If it's nothing then you don't need the day off." Yoongi said.

Namjoon groaned. "I have a date, okay?"

There was silence on the other end and Namjoon checked the screen to make sure the call was still going.


"You can have today off for your date on one condition."

Namjoon's shoulders sank, not wanting to have to explain to Yoongi about last night.

"You'll spend the weekend with me at my house." Yoongi decided. "And I'll let you skip today."

Namjoon had not been expecting that. Now he was faced with a tough decision- skip the date and incur the wrath of his mother, or spend a full 48 hours at a perverted dom's sex dungeon.

"Deal." Namjoon said quickly, not wanting to have his strict mom angry at him for blowing off Jimin twice.

There was a smile in Yoongi's voice. "Have fun on your date, sub. I'll see you tomorrow. And this weekend."

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