Stretching - Part 1

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So I might just make a one shot for every thing listed in chapter 2 in the bet about what Yoongi is allowed to do to Namjoon


I'm tired so we'll see. But I'm at least doing a few cuz I have some ideas already in mind

Also their dynamic is the same in the beginning, where they're new to each other and Namjoon is a defiant little shit and Yoongi takes no shit

Basically I'm pretending Namjoon never got hurt in his past so forget what u read before so ur not confused lmao

"Ready, baby?" Yoongi hummed as he held Namjoon's hand, leading him up the stairs.

"Don't call me that." Namjoon scowled, yanking his hand back.

Fuck the rules, Yoongi could punish him all he wanted. Namjoon wasn't going to give in to the doms fake sweetness.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at the disobedience, but knew the student was going to pay for it later.

He opened the door to the subs room and led them inside, kicking the door shut behind them.

Namjoon crossed his arms and stood off to the side, like he wasn't about to be the main attraction.

"Clothes off, on the bed." Yoongi said, walking to the dresser by the bed to look for a few things.

Namjoon glared at the little doms back, before he grabbed his shirt and finally lifted it up over his head.

Yoongi smirked as he listened to the sound of the stubborn baby undressing behind him.

Baby thought he was a big bad boy, aww. How cute!

Yoongi would teach the student he was nothing but Yoongi's submissive whore, wanting to be played with all the time because he was just a slut.

Namjoon walked to the bed and sat down on it, sprawling out like he owned it.

Yoongi had already seen him naked anyways, there was no point in hiding anything.

"On your front." Yoongi said, pulling out the items from the drawer.

Namjoon's eyes widened at the medical looking device in the boys hand. "What the fuck is that?! No- hell no! You come anywhere near me with that and I'll call the police!"

"Oh, don't be a baby, you big baby." Yoongi rolled his eyes as he climbed on the foot of the bed. "Haven't you ever heard of a speculum before?"

Namjoon had, but he realized now that he had never seen a picture of one before.

"Isn't that for females?" Namjoon asked, staring distrustfully at the metal device. "What are you gunna do with it, give me a pap smear?"

"I could give you an anal smear, I suppose." Yoongi said, holding up the device.

Namjoon tried not to vomit at the image of those two words.

Yoongi noticed and chuckled. "Relax, sub. This is meant to help, not hurt. Lube can only go so far, and since I'm assuming you're a virgin back there, you're gunna want this."

"For what?" Namjoon closed his legs off, distrustful.

"To help stretch you. I can't just shove a dildo up your ass first thing in the morning. You have to be well prepped first, and right now I doubt you could even take a finger."

Yoongi patted the bed. "Now lay down. You can lay on your back to watch me stretch you with my fingers if it makes you feel more comfortable, but when it's time to use the toys I'll need you to flip over."

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