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Jisung almost kicked the school gate for his frustration, but he was too tired to do so.

This day has been the worst. There could not be even more little tragedies hidden between everything that happened. He thought he had some choice in that. All he needed to do was to stop caring, and he could begin attending school. He was already halfway there, anyway.

After returning home from the hospital to give his parents a thorough explanation of why he never returned home, he barely dragged himself out the door to go to school again. He kept his hair disheveled, and his breath probably stinks of the traumatic near-death situation. Standing at the back of the bus line, he rubbed his eyes drowsily and didn't try to open them any bigger than his defeated state. Now, he stood before the closed gate, indicating he was late to school. He stared up at the climbable pattern and sighed. He could not be bothered. He would rather die.

"Hey! Do you need a hand?"

Your voice rang terribly in his ears. He thought he was hallucinating but instinctively turned his head to where your voice came from anyway. You stood a few steps behind him, glancing at his messy uniform grimly. Jisung's heart hammered in his chest, its palpitations so grandiose he could feel his whole body shake. This felt familiar, hauntingly familiar. The sun's rays slowly began to drown atop your face, like he remembered. They left spots of faux freckles on your cheeks, brightening the judgemental soul in your eyes, like he remembered. The wind glided across you two, artificially knocking the breath out of Jisung's lungs, like he remembered.

You were pretty as could be, like he remembered.

"Oh, Jisung! Seungmin's friend, who he never told me about," you exclaimed in recognition, with the last part muttered low for self-satisfaction. Then, you looked behind him at the school gate and frowned. "Are you late?"

"I–" he looked behind him at the gate, then back at you–"yeah, I was gonna climb it."

"Oh, yeah, I've seen a boy do that before," you huffed out a smile of acknowledgment. Clapping your hands, you offered, "I can help you."

He stood baffled, still hung up on what you said because he thought, just for a split second, you may be subconsciously talking about him. Bringing his crooked hand to his face, he waved with a half-hearted smile. "It's okay. I don't want to trouble you."

"It's no trouble! I got you," you insisted as you walked forward. "Turn around."

Jisung widened his eyes. You seemed more cheerful than when he first met you. Perhaps it was because your uncle was finally awake. That was good news to him. "It's fine, really."

"I am going to hoist you up, and you are going to climb over the fence, okay?" you said, linking and twisting the red string in your hands that you had shoved in your pocket after you bought them at the hospital pharmacy.

Jisung shook his head at your blatant ignorance. You let him go the first time! He had to double back and ask for your help as you left! This was beginning to turn from feeling nostalgic to uncanny. He would tell you to keep watch of your strength, but he wanted to know if you would throw him way over the fence like last time. He turned around and let you put your hands over his waist, feeling you close to his back. He hovered his hands over yours; he couldn't hold it, not even for support.

"On three!" You gave his waist a firmer grip once as a signal to prepare before you moved your legs into a better stance. "One, two, three!"

You moved your arms up while Jisung jumped to aid your action. Jisung groaned when his body lunged forward over the gate, weightless and lacing any clear momentum, and he braced himself before falling onto the dusty floor. It was as he expected. He rolled his eyes once the pain began spreading over his muscles—uncanny but also hilarious that you made the same mistake twice.

Leaning forward, you gave Jisung a concerned scan before shouting, "I'm sorry! I miscalculated!"

"Grossly!" he called back as he stood up and wiped his uniform of its dirt.

You kept silent as you observed him, your hands gripping the gate poles. When his attention returned to you, you smiled apologetically. He received your smile with a brief glance at the floor, trying to hold back the souring sensation in his eyes.

"I'm sorry," you faintly beamed. "Can you tell Seungmin to wait for me after school? I have something important to tell him!"

Jisung raised his brows. He wondered what it was? Seungmin already knew your uncle was awake, which would eliminate that as important news. Plans for the future? He looked at you, his fingers playing with each other. He wanted to know too. He wanted to know if you've got a home now, and someone who could care for you better than he ever could. He wanted to meet your uncle, to see the man you've put effort into saving. He wanted to know where you'll be going, even if it didn't concern him anymore.

There were so many things to know about you. The idea made him remember what Hyunjin said at the hospital—that he could still get to know you and make you fall in love with him. He didn't want to hear it back then, but accessing the situation now, it was clear that this was precisely the beginning of when you two first met each other: him being late to school and you helping him over the gate. Maybe everything would be the same. All he had to do was start over.

"Actually," he started hesitantly, still unsure why he thought to say this. He only knew that he wanted to know and love you still. "We're planning to go to a cat café later. Do you want to come with me?"

You paused—the cat café! You almost forgot about that. Felix was the one who suggested the place a while back, but you guys never made it there! Then there was Minho's unannounced appearance before you stopped talking to everyone for a few months! You tilted your head and squinted your eyes. You forgot why you stopped talking to everyone, though. The more you thought about it, the more things were not adding up. You have meant to chat with Seungmin about it, preferably without any stranger's presence.

"I don't think I–" You licked your lower lip at the ringing in your ear when you watched Jisung. Something about his face continued to infatuate you. You felt like you loved him a little. "You know what? Sure, let's hang out."

"Okay." He smiled as he reached his hand over the gate. "My name is Han Jisung. What about you?"

"My name is [Name]." You giggled, reaching out to shake his hand, only to feel a light electrocution at your arm.

You snatched your hand away from his with a surprised yelp. When you looked down at its source, your red string glowed.


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