Chapter Two - The New Kid

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Midoriya's POV

I paced back and forth in our classroom. Everyone that came early was watching me trying to figure out why I was so worried. Todoroki walked into the classroom. He looked like he haven't slept. "Did either of you sleep last night?" Uraraka asked the two of us. We both shook our heads.

"So nothing?" Todoroki asked me. Once again I shook my head. 

"Can one of you please tell us what's going on?" Mina yelled at us. We both ignored her. Todoroki sat down at his desk trying to stay awake and I continued pacing. "Guys! We're get worried! And you two are clearly hiding something that's hurting you guys!" We both turned her down we a glare. Everyone was shocked I glared at her and was actually scary. 

That's when the door opened, revealing a tired Aizawa. Me and Todoroki both tensed up, watching him. "He's fine." He mumbled. No one seemed to her it, except me and Todoroki. He laid down on the floor not even getting in his sleeping bag. "Do what you want. I was up all night and can't teach today." With that he was asleep. Something banged against a table and we turned to see Todoroki asleep at his desk.

No one's POV

Everyone went to ask Midoriya what that was about, but noticed he wasn't where he was standing only moments before. They looked around to find that Midoriya had sat down at his desk and fell asleep. "Something happened last night."

"Who cares!? It's most likely nothing! They're probably doing this for attention!" Bakugo yelled at the rest. 

"How can you say that!? Do you-" Uraraka started.

"Can you let us sleep!? Go somewhere else if you're going to yell!" The three that hadn't gotten sleep the night before yelled at them.

The next day

Aizawa walked into the classroom. Everyone was quiet as most were yelling at each other all day, so they were still mad. "We're going to have a new student as I need to watch him."

"You're babysitting!? Ha!" Bakugo started laughing.

"I need to make sure he doesn't commit suicide, so yes. I'm babysitting." The statement made Bakugo shut up.

"Oh my god. Is he okay?" Mina asked. 

Aizawa didn't answer. "You can come in now." A small male with white hair walked in. He was shorter than everyone in the class and only slightly taller than Mineta. He didn't say anything, just scanned the class until he saw Midoriya. He's tensed state relaxed a bit as he waved to the class. "This is Sans. Please don't do anything to hurt him."

Sans sat down in the only empty seat in the class, which was right next to Midoriya. Once again Aizawa let the group do what they want, but it was mostly so they could get to know the new kid. But no one could get close enough to talk to him as the minute they were aloud to do whatever, he was gone.

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