Chapter 24

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The day after James was born, Draco went to the Ministry in order to inquire about visiting his father. He went to the Department of Law Enforcement and was asked to wait for someone to speak with him.

"Mr. Malfoy?" said a short, balding wizard. "I was told you are inquiring about someone in Azkaban?"

"I would like to visit a prisoner, yes," he replied.

The older man gave a strained smile. "I see. Very good. Here are the forms you must fill out before your request can be granted."

Draco frowned, staring at the pieces of parchment being handed to him. "Forms? I can't just ... go to the prison? It's just my father."

"Oh, no, sir. I'm afraid not." He waved the forms at Draco. "First things first."

Grumbling, Draco filled out the required paperwork and left, feeling both relieved that he didn't have to see his father that day and discouraged that his attempt had been thwarted.

He received a letter from the Ministry four days later informing him that his request to see Lucius Malfoy had been received, processed, and approved. His appointment, however, was not for almost three weeks. As he stared at the letter in frustration, all his plans temporarily halted, a pang of loneliness clutched his chest and Draco realized he missed Hermione. A mere five days had passed since he last saw her, and it felt like far too long. The letter was a good excuse to visit her, and it would also show her that he was taking action, as he had said he would. After glancing at a clock, Draco decided to do something he had never done before: visit Hermione at work.

Draco knocked on the door of her office in the Department of Education, where Hermione was Assistant Director in charge of a new program providing pre-Hogwarts training for Muggle-borns. The transition from life as a Muggle into the magical world could be overwhelming, and Hermione wanted to help children and their families make a smoother entry than even her own.

After he had knocked, however, he got nervous. She wasn't expecting him; what if she was in a meeting? What if she was busy? What if-

"Come in!"

Draco swallowed, took a deep breath, and entered the office. "Hey," he said.

Hermione's eyes were wide, but she also seemed delighted to see him. "Hi!" she said, starting out of her seat, but then changing her mind and sitting down again. "This is a surprise. Would you like to sit?" She indicated the chair opposite hers.

He nodded, slightly uncomfortable with the way she was looking at him, as though he had just promised her the moon and stars. "I thought you might want to see this," he said, handing her the letter from the Ministry.

She took it and quickly read it. "I had no idea the wait time for seeing prisoners was so long," she remarked, returning the letter.

"They said something about lack of adequate staffing and scheduling limitations. Plus, he's a high-security prisoner." Draco now glanced around the small space, surprised to find it slightly messy.

After a few almost-awkward moments, Hermione spoke. "I'm glad you got that appointment. It's just too bad that you have to wait a few weeks."

He nodded. "I know."

"Do you have any idea what you're going to say to him?" she asked.

"I've thought about it," he replied. "When I first went there, I had no idea, but now ... I have a basic idea what I want to ask and say."

She smiled. "That's great."

"Say, Hermione ..." He trailed off, unsure of himself. He had accomplished what he had set out to do, but now that he was there, with her, he found that he was in no hurry to leave. "Do you, um, get breaks?"

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