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Our new school got bombed again lol they really need better government protection Xd xdD funy momento taxes jeueiwi8jjsjrjdjsj!1!1!1!1!!11!1!1

I rolled around in my bed and I fell over ow :( 

I had nothing to do today since Diria was at her job selling Femboy clothes to the public, and my besties are on the run from the police 

I decided to looked under my pink bed And you will not believe what I found, a hand1!1!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1 OMG HANDSUSIWKWSHSJSJSJEIAWUUWUWN111,,1!,1! 

This probably belonged to my shithead dad so I might as well return it to his grave since I have nothing better to do

I also found anal beads yay :D

I put on some booty shorts and my cat onesie with some white lacy socks

As I twerked to the local Morioh graveyard, m6 moms grave was there, it was covered in cum  and what looked like a broken vase and blood, but I could still make out the words

"Shquanreeshakeeshalaytonjanae, local homophobe and freak, shitass"

i spat on her grave and went to my dumas fathers grav GET IT DUMASS DUMASS DUMBASS HAHAHAHAHAHAHA XDdDdDDdDdDDDDdD A&W ROOTBEER

Then i noticed his grave was dug up with no one in it, i dropped the hand out of shock and i turned around

"Come on, don't waste a good hand like that" He said

I could not beleive i was seeing my father after all these years, i thought he was dead. GAME THEORYDNMD EERIUJRK JKM,LXNSN CDNJC D H CND JH SHIT CUM PEE


"In fact im NOT dead, i new ur mother was mentally unstable and i mad a clone of myself lmao lol"

i could not beleive it my father was ALIVE??!?!??!??!?!?//111111

tbc bitches

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