Chapter 4 - Full of Surprises

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I woke up to this morning to Chris standing over me naked and with a hard on . He was fresh out the shower and his body was glistening as the water dripped down from him . I loved waking up to morning dick. Despite everything that's going on , Chris knows how to keep this pussy happy . But this morning I felt different , I felt so sick to my stomach and I had just woken up . "I'm sorry baby I don't feel good this morning I might need to take a rain check" I said . He asked was I sure and I nodded my head and laid back down. He laid next to me and said he needed to be somewhere in a couple of hours but he wanted to spend some time with me. These are the moments I miss right here , him waking me up to some good loving and spending his time with me , maybe things are good after all . I was so in love with this man, despite his attitude at times he was still my man. I laid on his chest as we watched a movie together . The whole time I was laying on his chest I could hear a very faint vibrate coming from the same coat pocket I found the track phone in . Who could it be ? I have to get a hold of that phone. I thought to myself . The whole time I was having thoughts of what could be on that phone that made him save someone's number as "Unknown." I'm not sure what's going on with that but I will soon find out .

"Mommy are you okay? " Jeremiah asked me while he was standing over me while I was laying on the bathroom floor . I was so sick I couldn't hold anything down . I was in a sweat and I felt so dizzy everytime I sat up , so I made me a pallet on the bathroom floor . I'm okay Jeremiah , go into mommy room and grab my cellphone from off the bed. I texted Chris to let him know any Clientele that he had scheduled for me would have to wait until I'm feeling better . I told him that I was sick and that I was throwing up very bad and he understood . Sometimes I'm a little skeptical on how Chris would react when I need a break , I love him but he can be edgy and demanding when it come to getting this money. I laid back down on the floor and closed my eyes . "Mommy I over heard Chris on the phone this morning with some lady." Jeremiah said . "He was talking to her in the hallway and I could hear him through my room ." I asked Jeremiah what all did he hear but he couldn't remember . I didn't really think to much about it but that doesn't mean I didn't have my third eye alert . I thought maybe it could've been business and that's what I told Jeremiah. I told Jeremiah to go In his room and play while I rest . As I laid down I remembered the track phone from the other day , I got up from the floor and walked back into the bedroom . I pulled out the track phone and finally was able to see who the hell was blowing him up yesterday . When I went to the missed call log it was cleared , it was completely wiped out . All calls had been deleted. I went to the text messages and the person that was texting him saved under "Unknown" was no where to be found in his messages at all . Now I was convinced that Chris was definitely hiding something from me . Why delete all your call logs and text message from that person ? I'm not understanding what the hell is going on but all I knew was he better have a good ass explanation . I took the phone and hid it from him . I placed it on silent and stuffed it in my bra . I will be waiting until the next person call or texts his phone.

I was waiting for Chris to come home from handling his business. I was starting to feel nauseous every time I stood up .It never crossed my mind that I could be pregnant, yet again I wasn't on birth control either . I got my calendar and tried to count back to my last period but I couldn't remember . I never been the type of girl to keep up with those things anyways . The last time me and Chris has sex it was almost 2 months ago so I assume it might be from that last time . I know it can't be from any of my clients because I always make sure every guy wear a condom . It was only one way to find out . I brought a pregnancy test last week from family dollar . I got 3 of them , one was the digital one and the other were the cheap dollar kind . I first took one of the cheap ones, I was so nervous I had so many thoughts going through my head . I peed in a small plastic cup and  dipped the tip in it. I waited in the bathroom for the results . Waiting for the results felt like forever . I was so anxious to know . One minute went by and there was the result , my eyes couldn't believe it . I was pregnant. I thought maybe the first test was wrong so I decided to take the clear blue test . I dipped the test over in the pee and then the test began to load . I placed the test face down and prayed that I wasn't pregnant and that the other test was just a false alarm . I picked up the test slowly and faced it towards me and again it read the words in bold "pregnant." " What the fuck?" I whispered to myself. How far could I be ? I'm not ready for another child , I'm not even where I want to be yet . I don't want to bring another baby into this world with all I have going on right now . I threw the test down on ground and cried . I was miserable . I was scared . I began to have a million thoughts on if I should tell Chris or see how far along I'am first . What if the baby is not Chris ? When if it was a Client ? When if I don't know who the father is ? And worse... what if Chris doesn't want to be with me anymore ? I couldn't tell Chris atleast not yet , I have to see how far I' am and count back to the last date me and Chris had sex to see if the dates match. I took a deep breath and looked in the mirror at myself . I took the pregnancy test and hid them in my black pump shoe box . How could I have been so stupid ?

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