Chapter 5- The other woman

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" Your 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant " The obgyn said to me. 5 weeks and 2 days ? A month ago me and Chris didn't have sex, and this was after the fact we had sex 2 months before . This doesn't add up at all. "Im sorry ma'am but I can't keep this baby , are there any abortion options ?" The nurse looked at me as if she was surprised I said that . "I'm sorry this is a obgyn we can't give abortion advice but I can refer you to the Women's Care Clinic down by The SaltLake Plaza." The lady gave me their number and told me to call them first thing in the morning . I've slept with many men from then up until now and I can't count on my hands on who it could be . I love Chris but a child with him might make things worse than what they are  and I know I'm the past I've tried to talk to Chris about having kids and he wasn't having it , but right now is different , his mood is different and it's not the same , and a child that isn't his could definitely stir the pot . I grabbed my Louie Vatton purse and left the office. All I keep hearing in my head is that I'm 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I just knew this couldn't be Chris baby . Something in me was telling it was someone else's and I don't even know who .

I got out the car and walked into the house . Every time I thought about it , I would feel so sick to my stomach .  I could hear Chris talking on the phone to someone as I was approaching the bedroom . I didn't walk in right away , instead I decided to stand there for a second and listen to what he was saying . " I'll be over there later tonight baby I promise" , " No she's not here but she will be in a few " , " No you can't come over she will be here at any minute now " , " Okay sweet heart you will see me in a few , I'll tell her I'm handling business as usual." What In the entire fuck was I hearing ? There is no doubt in my mind that he is talking to another woman behind my back . I didn't want to blow my cover so soon , so I stood there some more but the conversation ended . I walked in as if I didn't hear anything and played it off smooth . "Hey baby what are you up to?" I asked as I walked in . I had so much rage going through me I didn't know what to do or who to believe . " I'm about to go handle some business for a few hours then I'm coming back " He leaned in for a kiss but I turned my head away... why did he do the things he do ?

Apparently Chris must've not been too smart , because he still hadn't asked me about the track phone I've had for a few days now .  I remembered I put it in my purse the other day until I was able to be alone again so I can look through it to see if anyone else called or texted him . I quickly ran to the closet and grabbed the phone out my purse . I turned it on and there it was  10 text messages and 3 missed calls , all from "Unknown" and a few other Clients . This time I took the phone in the bathroom and locked the door so I could read the texts in private , in case Chris tries too double back like last time . " I miss you baby , are you coming home tonight ?" One text said from the unknown saved name . "The kids want to spend time with you Sunday , will you be free?" KIDSSS ? please don't tell me this muthafucker got kids , if so he has never mentioned shit to me about kids . He told me he didn't want kids and that he valued his freedom . Not that I had anything against him having kids it's just the fact has been lying to me this whole time. Now I was even more in rage at the fact he has been keeping this secret from me the whole time . I came across another text that confirmed everything I needed to know it was a picture the lady sent him , obviously it was her and 2 kids . A boy and a girl to be exact . There was no doubt in my mind that these were his kids and he has been keeping this from me the whole time . The next text blew me away and broke me down to my knees " Im pregnant RaShawn." First off who the fuck is Rashawn ? This has to be a joke . Maybe Rashawn was his middle name and secondly he got another bitch pregnant? After all this time we been together I have been trying to get him to reconsider having kids and he goes off and get another bitch pregnant. I fell to the floor and cried my heart out . What the fuck was really going on ? And why am I just finding all this out now ?

I stormed into the bedroom , furious with tears in my eyes . I went through all his draws and dressers to see if I could find something with his real name on it that could confirm if he has been lying to me about who he really is . I tore the whole room upside down looking for a ID , Birth certificate or something . I came across a passport that I've never seen before . I opened it and his name clear as day read " RaShawn Christoff Glance." You mean to tell me his name is not Chris and that I've been living a lie this whole time ? This man was living a double life and hadn't been honest with me at all about anything . I put the passport in my purse along with the track phone . There was no way I was about to have this baby now , no way in hell . He's a liar and he made be believe he could actually love me . I got up and walked to the safe where I keep the money that make from my clients . I always give Chris or RaShawn or who ever the fuck he is , the money to put up for me . I was about to use this money and get an abortion . I refuse to go through this pregnancy with a guy that I thought I knew or if it's even his . I put the code in the safe and opened it and to my surprise all my money was missing ! The money was gone , I've been stacking my money every since I was young . There's no way my money should be gone . I screamed and threw the safe against the wall . Nobody but Chris took my money , we don't even have company over here and Chris is the only one that had access to my funds and the code to the safe .
I quickly went into my walk in closet and grabbed my polo boots shoe box . I pulled out my 40 caliber hand gun and placed it in my purse . I made sure the safety was on . One thing you don't fuck with is my child my and my fucking money and Chris will be sorry once I'm done fucking with him . I texted my professor to let them know I couldn't make it . I had some business to take care of and I was willing to get my hands dirty.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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