Slide Away | Jisoo Kim

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《Genre》 A lil angsty

《A/N》 An imagine inspired from the song; Slide Away by Miley Cyrus. Words in bold are references to the song. I highly recommend listening to it.

 I highly recommend listening to it

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You couldn't help it. The tip of her nose was right there, waiting for your vanilla ice-cream cone to cover it. Her eyes widened and her jaw fell in disbelief as she tried to return the favour. 

"Y/N! That was so uncalled for!" Her attempt to sound serious died out once her laughs threatened to burst. Your girlfriend was never one to take anything seriously. Jisoo pursed her lips, forming a straight line to prevent her giddiness from bubbling up, her right hand held a chocolate weapon that was ready to fire.

The crinkles in your eyes were evident as your flash of teeth only fueled her mischievousness. "Jisoo~" You sang in defence and backed away further on the bench with your hands out for your own protection, the vanilla ice-cream cone long forgotten on the grass after she had thrown it away. "You wouldn't want your fans to see your aggressive side."

"What fans?" Her eyes narrowed and her face tilted slightly-- which by the way, was the cutest expression you had ever seen. Jisoo let out a laugh laced with a certain, rightful tiredness. "I'm still a trainee Y/N. I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to debut for another year."

"So?" You inched the tiniest bit closer to place a hand on her knee. Anything regarding her debut was a touchy subject and you should've known better. "You still have many fans-- including me." You shot a goofy grin to cheer her up from her prolonged debut which seemed to have no signs of happening any time soon.

You didn't miss the glint in her eyes before she let her dessert collide with your face. The petite girl finally let her laughs escape and had one hand holding her stomach as she bellowed over. "I caught you! Revenge!" 

Moments like these were seldom for you both as the more she trained in YG, the more famous she became which meant the harder it would be for her to venture out without being noticed. Once she did manage slip away and to be with you, you didn't miss the bags under her eyes and the way her smile never rose quite enough to reach her eyes. You couldn't fathom the lengths she had to take to keep up with her tight schedule. But Jisoo always found a way to fit you in because you were her escape. You gave her just enough energy to keep going and maybe just enough hope to convince her that all these long nights and heavy schedules were worth it.

Every time you even caught a glimpse of her genuine smile, a smile that you treasured with your whole being, it paralysed you and made your heart melt. You didn't even mind the cold dessert plastered all over you. Although it would take a while to wash off and a lot of dignity would be lost due to looking like a cream cake in public, the joy in her eyes was worth the mess on your face. It was paradise. 

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