This is How the World Works

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I watched as Allison's eyes turned normal. She got up and walked away to the kitchen with Claire. I looked at the wound. It stayed the same but now it didn't hurt anymore. I walked around not knowing what to do. The apocalypse was officially averted I guess. I completed my life goal. What do you do after that.

I sat at the dining table in the spot dad assigned for me when I was a kid. The carvings from Diego where gone. So was the lingering smell of weed that dad could never get to go away. The hole from Five's knife was gone too. It made the table seem so bleak and empty. I took my mind off of that and tried to think of what to do now. In a life where you have nothing left to do.

We walked around after we found the newspaper I held it while we walked. Then we found a large man, the corpses arm was in the air and a prosthetic eyeball was clutched in it. Five and I looked at each other and he grabbed it. The eyeball had fresh blood on it so we knew this was recent.

As we walked around we found in the same area a tall woman, a vigilant, and a lanky junkie. The junkie's coat sleeve was pulled up to his forearm. He had a tattoo of an umbrella. The same one dad made all of us get as kids. Then we seen the resemblance in all the people this was our family. Our dead family. Luther, Allison, Diego, and Klaus.
Where where Vanya and Ben.

Eventually I got an idea about what to do. I took some of the money from when the stuff was pawned and went to the store to buy stuff for my room. Once I got what I needed I looked at the books and laid my eyes on something I had to buy.

Young Folks by Peter Bjorn and John

"The Mysterious Disappearance of Allison Chestnut". At the cash register once I put down the book the cashier looked at me astonished. I gave her a look of concern in return.

"There where these kids Allison was seen with before she disappeared you look like one of them" On instinct I blinked a lot and brushed that off. We may have stopped the fact that we wanted but there still where conspiracy theorists. This will be so fun.

Once I left the store I drove to the library. I ended up spending the rest of the day there reading about what we did to the timeline and the impact it had. Destiny's Children grew significantly and became one of the biggest cults in the world and it is still growing. Five and I became a huge conspiracy theory. And there have been shows and movies (mostly horror) about Allison's disappearance. It was a big impact truly but I hope it didn't do too much and at least it was weighed down a little with the rumoring. I wrote a document with everything I learned, printed it and left.

"Five" I yelled when I got in

"Klaus" I tried this time

"Heyyy baby sis" he said skipping in

"Have you seen Five it's important"

"No can do he's been gone all day"

"Shit what about Diego"

"Nope left with Five"

"I need Ally she might have a vague idea about this"

"She's here come along young child" He led me upstairs and a seen Allison and Claire having a tea party.

"Sorry to interrupt but I have something important here about time travel" I said nervously

"Oh can I see I might not be able to do much but I can try" I handed her the large document

"Oh this is all about" I cut her off because Claire might not want to know about Cults and everything else that happened in the sixties

"Yep and I thought we should find a time to discuss the impact" I took a breath "mostly commission stuff and on the radar of who is the most helpful you are next highest after Five and Diego who are MIA"

"Ok well once they are here we can have a family meeting and discuss do you want this back"

"You can have it for now I have been typing that all day, each and every word is engraved in my brain"

"If you see them tell me"

"Ok bye then" I walked out of the room and started decorating my room.

A/N:  it's vague but you can imagine the rest it's just so you can have an idea of what it looks like

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A/N: it's vague but you can imagine the rest it's just so you can have an idea of what it looks like

Where Does the Good Go
by Tegan and Sara

Once I finished I put away my clothes and shoes. I then put one a pair of jeans and grey sweater and went downstairs. We all claimed the rooms that were where ours originally where except Vanya, I haven't seen her lately same with Luther so they where probably together. I made some homemade soup and poured some for myself then walked around. The library had more books and the rooms that hadn't been decorated where quite bleak. Everything was so empty and lifeless. On the way to my room I thought about what to do now. I can't just sit around like this forever. I wanted to forget that part of my life. I looked at my young body then remembered what Hazel told Five and I "Now you can grow up" I can grow up now.

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