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As Wilbur walked along the narrow hallway you followed closely behind him, hoping to not get lost.

You both walked down the hallway in silence but, not and awkward silence, comfortable silence. The only thing that could be heard were your footsteps and small breaths.

Eventually, you both walked into another room. "This is the common room." Wilbur added on bluntly as he led you through the room and to the other side. You took a quick look around the room before he led out a glass door, and out to a small yard area.

That was a quick tour, you thought to yourself.

Wilbur didn't say anything instead, he just kept walking along the the small path outside. He walked you off the path and onto a small patch of grass. "This is my favorite spot." he said while sitting on the grass. He patted the spot next to him, signaling for you to sit down.

You slowly sat next to Wilbur, and placed your hands on the lush green grass. "It's also a great place to throw up, the nurses don't check back here." Wilbur added while slowly laying back onto the grass, cupping his hands behind his head.

"Hmm" you hummed in response while patting around on the grass. You combed through the grass with your fingers, looking for some kind of sharp stick. You felt something poke at your fingers and immediately picked it up. You examined the small, yet sharp stick and brought it down to your wrist.

"Stupid whore." you mumbled under your breath as you swiped the stick across your arm. "That's for having a bite of food." you mumbled once again. "What was that?" Wilbur asked while slightly lifting his head up. "N-nothing." you softly let out.

You watched the blood slowly trickle out the new wound you created. Wilbur took notice that you weren't moving and sat up. He placed his hand on your shoulder, making you jump back a little. "Why'd you do that?" he asked while reaching down and rubbing the blood off your wrist. "B-because, I-I ate." you stuttered out as your breath hitched from the interaction.

Wilbur didn't say anything instead, he placed his head your your shoulder and stroked your hair. "Why don't you throw up the food now." he softly spoke in your ear. "I-I should." you stuttered out. You didn't think twice before turning around and sticking your fingers in your mouth.

The familiar sounds of gags, and sobs filled the not so calm air. You swirled your fingers down your throat and felt the small amount of food coming back up. You released all the food from your mouth. Spitting out the gross, sticky saliva that remained in the back of your mouth.

You sat there for a while, hunched over and unsteady breaths. Wilbur just watched all this happen with a blank expression. As soon as you steadied your breathing, Wilbur rubbed your back calming. "Good." he let out as he stood from the grass. "Wait here." he added on while he walked behind a near by tree. His footsteps were loud, due to the leaves and sticks on the grass.

Loud groans and gags were heard from behind the tree. Wilbur was also getting rid of his very, very, small lunch. Eventually, he spat on the grass, and wiped his face with his fist.

"Shall we?" Wilbur asked as he walked out from behind the tree and reached out his hand. You nodded in response and gingerly placed your hand in his. They seem to fit like a puzzle. He led you out to the front part of the yard and it was now fuller than when you first arrived.

"Uh, that's the picnic area." Wilbur let out while pointing at the two wooden tables set up on the opposite side of the small field. He kept on walking along the small path and led you back into the building.

So much for a tour, you thought.

Wilbur walked along the hallway and brought you into another open room. "This is the community therapy room." he said while observing the people from the doorway. "And then, that's the one-on-one room." he added while pointing at the closed door in the back of the room.

"When d-do we have community therapy?" you asked quietly, not wanting to catch the attention of people sitting in the near by chairs. "In thirty minutes actually." Wilbur replied while quickly glancing at the clock.


756 words
wowowowo thank u so much for 29 reads!! it might not be much but im so grateful that you are actually interested in my shitty story.
also i don't really like this chapter that much :(

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