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I looked towards my seat and found that the boy sitting behind me was sleeping.  The class went by smoothly and the boy behind me didn't wake up. As soon as the teacher left the class i felt a little nudge on my shoulder, as I turned around I was greeted with an angry face. It was the boy sitting behind me, he was finally up and looked really pissed at something but even with that expression he looked absolutely stunning. 

" Who the hell gave you permission to sit here?" 

" No one, do I need permisssion to sit here?" I said smiling at him.

" Yes, infact you do need to take my permission." 

" Really but no one told me that." I said looking towards the whole class.

With me he too turned towards the class and everyone went silent. He stood up and started shouting at everyone. I never thought I would get to see this scene in my life where kids are scared of someone their own age. It was really entertaining but he suddenly turned towards me with murderous look in his eyes, he leaned down and bought his face near mine and said in a husky flat tone " leave this seat, no one is supposed to sit there."

" Why, is it reserved?"

" Yes, it is and if you don't leave right now you're gonna go home with a really bad face on your first day."

" Hey, how do you know it's my first day, you were literally sleeping throughout the class!" I asked changing the topic. 

" I was sleeping not dead and this is not going to work, LEAVE." he said smiling maliciously at me.

" But where am I going to go, there's no other empty seat here." I said with my head bowed down and in a cute voice.

" I. DON'T. CARE." this was enough to give me chills but I knew I can't back down now or else I will be seatless on my first day.

" I am not going to leave even if you hit me." I tried to say it confidently but I think I stuttered a little and he noticed my discomfort.

" Really, fine as you wish. But, if something happens not my fault." He said smiling sarcastically as he ran his hand through his short wavy jet black hair. He turned around and went out of the classroom. 

As soon as he was out of the class Effie  and everyone else gathered around me.

" Man you have got some guts to talk to Mike like that." 

" Seriously, no one has ever talked back to him before you did something unimaginable."

As I was listening to them complimenting me which sounded more like sympathy I got more curious about him.

" So, is he always like this?" I asked cutting them in between their conversation.

" Now yes but before he was not like this. He used to be friendlier with everyone but I think it's our own fault that he became like this." 

"  What do you mean, your fault?"

" Two years back he came out of the closet and his closest friends turned their back on him."

" Wait, came out of the closet you mean he's gay?"

" What else does it mean you idiot." Effie smacked my head.

" But what's so wrong with being gay, it's normal." I said rubbing my head.

" Yes it is but who can teach them." Some girl from my class replied.

" Sorry we have been talking for so long and I don't even know your names." We exchanged names and contacts. I got added into the classroom group and even got invited to a house party of some random boy from another class. 

After a few more classes finally it was lunch time and as I was packing everything back in my backpack Effie camme running into the class.

" Let's go or do you want everything to be over even before we arrive to the canteen." she scremed so loudly that even the students outside could hear her . Even before I could finish grabbing everything from the table she pulled me outside of the class and we ran. As we reached the canteen I realised what she meant. There were students everywhere, on every nook and corner.  We went through tables full of students eating, laughing, playing and as I finished taking my food from the counter my eyes fell on one table at the front and I realise it was Mike with two other boys and two girls I didn't knew. Everyone at the table was talking except for Mike, he had his eyes fixed on his phone. We walked towards the table and even before I realised it I was standing in front of the table we were supposed to eat and it was next to Mike's and I was supposed to be sitting just opposite to him, as I took my seat some idiot had to drop his plate and Mike turned towards the noise but insteead he locked his eyes with me and after a few seconds he smiled at me. 

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