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'Glory comes only to those who seek it out.'

-An extract from scholar and journalist Aksel Briggs' first works, now widely banned across the Walls for having inspired a violent vigilante movement against Havas.



Wall Maria, South Region, Port Noaks, Noaks Survey Corps Base of Operations

Erwin had been aware for multiple months now that the road to Havas was a treacherous path indeed.

He and Lorelai had spent no small amount of time analysing the intricacies of their route. And, they still knew far too little for confidence.

They'd be riding through Titan Country for the better part of a week before they reached Havas. That was longer than any scouting expedition before.

They would set out from a town called Falkirk, positioned along Wall Maria in the North-East. The town was the closest point to Havas that had suitable elevators to lift the entire regiment over the Wall.

From there, they would head north, stopping to camp in whatever forests they could find. They would enter the Larkathi Salt Flats, pray to God they survived, and eventually reach the Havasian outer gate.

And that was just the way there. They still had to account for their mission's completion and the journey back.

"But, why can't we simply enter through the gates in Islet? Surely that would be safer," Erwin had asked.

"Lest you forget, Commander, there is a mountain range between there and the outer wall; the tunnel collapsed. Unless you've taught your horses to scale mountains, that's a no go."

"Why don't we just ride on top of the wall then?"

"We Havasians have taken measures to prevent anyone from the Walls invading in such a way. We'd be blown to kingdom come," Lorelai had countered.

"Very well. Through Titan Country it is."

It had been a year since Havas fell, and it would be another before they returned to it; there was still much to do. The first, they needed more information on the route and the landscape they'd be traversing.

Erwin was a talented Commander. But, not even he could account for that which he couldn't predict.

They needed a small scouting party to venture out, record the landscape and optimal resting points and then report back. And thus, we have the current conversation.

"Lorelai, I understand your eagerness to test out your squad. But, this mission is vital; we need experienced hands," Erwin was saying.

Lorelai huffed, taking a seat in front of him and leaning forward. "How is my squad supposed to gain experience if all they do is practice on dummy titans? These bullets were designed for the field. Let them be used so."

He sighed. "You make a fair point. But, I still think Levi Squad would be the more reliable option. They're veterans, Lorelai; they know what they're doing."

"I have just as much experience as Levi."

"And your squad?" he insisted. "A nurse, an MP, your brother, and two bandits? It's not exactly the best of the best."

"Don't underestimate them, sir. My squad may not have Levi Squad's battle experience, but they make up for it with heart. Each of them has a real reason for being here, give them a chance to prove themselves."

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