Femme Fatale.

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After a while, I saw a slender women dressed in floral print kimono, her hairs were left open, which was waving down, like the sea waves, her hairs were decorated with a beautiful rose, her eyes as blue as an ocean water, was beautifully covered with eyeliner, her face was round and her lips were rosy, she was like a Heavenly Nymph in her full beauty. She was sitting on the sofa giving me a demurring smile, and she had the coyness in her face, I stopped chanting the Hymns of God, and looked at her mesmerising beauty. There was no moon in the sky, but I would say there was a replica of a moon sitting in this very hall. The woman stood and gleamed at me, she unlaced the kimono, and the dress waved down on the floor, revealing her naked beauty. She stooped, and gradually laid on the floor, she rolled slowly, and making lusty moves.

She stood and stepped towards me, her beauty was mesmerising, and I was stunned by it. The women stood near the fire, and stooped to touch me, no sooner she raised her hand to touch me, than I saw her nails popping out in a jiffy to kill me. I sprinkled the Holy Water on her face, and she screeched covering her face, thus toppling on the ground, and then she turned into a banshee again. I knew that she will deceit, so that I can stop the prayer and she can prey upon me, as these are one of the tricks used by evil spirits to kill those who are powerful than them. She raised herself up, and walked towards the opposite directions, and looked at me in anger, her left cheek was burned, and was oozing smoke; her hairs were fluttering in the air.

I grabbed my pistol and shoot at her, but the bullet just went through her, or just disappeared in the air, I did this act so that to provoke her. She laughed at first, and then she screamed at a high pitch which boomed the mansion, and all of the sudden I saw many evil spirits surrounding me from all sides. Those spirits were looking hideous, their faces were covered with peeled skin, their eyes were without pupils, they had large teeth, one of the spirit had no eyes, and only eye socket, while the other was had jagged skin and teetered skin. Generally they were looking hideous, my intuition cleared me, that some of the evil spirits were the plenipotentiaries, while the rest were their victims.

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