Chapter 11: Friday Group Nights, Brought to You By 3 & 3

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    "Okay, listen, tomorrow night, last night we can enjoy the fair before it gets even colder. 3 & 3 group buttttt I was thinking maybe Gavin could come too." I was walking to my fifth period class when I felt an arm drape around my shoulder and I didn't have to look over to see who it was since Skylar's unique voice filled my ears right away. As soon as I registered what she just said to me I stopped walking and turned her way, causing her arm to fall off my shoulders.

"Pause. You want me to invite Gavin to a Friday group night?" Skylar, Fiona, Vincent, Joey, Matt and I all came up with Friday group nights when our friend group first formed during freshman year right around the same time I came up with the dumb name "3 & 3". Friday group nights were a way to check up on each other, a way to know we were getting out and having fun at least once a week. School can make you crazy and with Matt knowing that I struggle with my mental health he was in full support of the idea.

"Yes! You keep stressing that he's your friend"

"Because he is"

"-so why wouldn't you want all your friends together. Plus I wanna know more about him than what you tell us, ya know? Get a feel for him."

I looked over at Skylar with a bizarre grimace covering my face. Clearly she quickly realized her mistake because a similar expression covered her face as well. "Ew ew ew no you moron I mean I wanna get a feel for his aura."

I raised my eyebrow with amusement in my eyes and disappointment in my bestfriend's seeing as she knew I was going to make fun of her for that. "His aura huh? Next thing I know you're gonna ditch you're light pink blouses for tye-dye and fringe." She loudly snorts and I let out a low chuckle.

"But seriously Cris, I think it would be fun and I promise I will be on my best behavior. Treat him just as your friend."

I roll my eyes and take a minute to genuinely list out the pros and cons. Pros, I enjoy being around him a lot, I think he would get along with my friend group, especially Matt. I would feel much safer with him there. But, cons, he knows me so well he might catch onto the way I act around-"

"Earth to Cristina!!!" Skylar says waving her hands in front of my face.

"Sorry I zoned, um- I'll call him and see if he's free tomorr-"

She cut me off by tackling me in a hug. Skylar is a very touchy and intimate person when she cares about somebody, which is completely fine with me because lord knows I'm even worse than her. But the thing about Skylar hugs, they cut off your fucking oxygen intake.

I started slapping my bestfriend's back. "Sky- I can't fucking breathe dude."

She backed away from me while still holding my shoulders. "Sorry I'm just excited! Shit shit that's the bell I gotta run. Let me know what he says!! And if it's anything but yes I'll change it to a yes!" She yells across the hall while running to her next class.


I walked through the front door of my house, throwing my keys on the island surface, backpack on the floor, and plopping onto the couch. Jake has hockey practice today and mom is working an extra shift at the hospital so I have a few hours to kill before I have to pick up Jake. As I'm laying on the couch Skylar's words from earlier ring in my head. Honestly fuck it, I want him there. FaceTime rings around four times before he picks up. He's sitting on the couch with Macy in his lap so I can see both of their bright smiles which makes one appear on my face in return. "Hi Macy!! I miss you!!"

"I miss you too Cristina!"

I looked away from Macy's face to see Gavin's. He's wearing a worn out and torn up AC/DC band tee and his hair looks messy, but in the best way possible. "Soooo I come with a question."

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