Scene 3

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(Fleance runs into a room, looking worried)

Fleance: Where’s Donalbain? I’ve been looking for him all over. He went with Macduff and hasn’t come back. The coronation is in less than an hour. What am I going to do? Who knows what Donalbain will do? He’ll be furious, that’s for sure. Maybe there should be extra guards, just in case.

(He shakes his head)

Fleance: No, what am I thinking? Donalbain wouldn’t hurt his brother. Surely his ambition wouldn’t go that far. But Macbeth was King Duncan’s cousin, and he barely thought twice. Donalbain isn’t Macbeth! I don’t really know much about Donalbain. Since I don’t know much about him, I don’t know how he’ll react.

(Servant walks in)

Servant: Sir?

Fleance: Oh! Hello, what is it? Is the king’s brother back? Or Macduff? Is something wrong? I just know there’s something wrong.

Servant: No! I just came to tell you that the coronation is going to start soon, and the king would like to speak with you.

Fleance: Alright then. God save our souls.

(Servant looks puzzled)

Servant: Sir. . . Is there something wrong? Would you like me to fetch a doctor?

Fleance: No, no, I’m fine. Tell the king I’ll be there momentarily.

Servant: Yes sir.

(Servant leaves)

Fleance: Please, don’t let history repeat itself.

Macbeth, Act 6Where stories live. Discover now