The Singing Season. That's the spring-time. You'll also like other MajorSeventh poetry collections - and there are so many to choose from.
It's my pleasure to share this eclectic mix of poem, prose, and song. These are stories from the Tidewater: that gentle land that slopes into the sea and cradles the Great Dismal Swamp. I hope you enjoy the read'n of em as much as I have enjoyed the tell' n. These tales started out, years ago as rough-hewn pine...
parallax /ˈpærəˌlæks/ noun 1. an apparent change in the position of an object resulting from a change in position of the observer 2. an apparent shift in the position of an object, such as a star, caused by a ch...
A short collection of modern war poetry 1995 - 2014 Highly personal, this short anthology draws on the writer's experiences as a soldier and officer of the British Army in conflict zones in Europe, Africa, Iraq and Afghanistan. Although, the majority of these poems are previously unpublished, a number were published...
Freefall. The title, hopefully, describes what you will find in this collection, I shall write pieces free of the constraints of both form, and structure.
Some light-hearted Poems to make you smile. Poetry at it's quirkiest!
This is my ten-form poetry submission to the first annual ATTYS competition. All ten poems are related to the process of coming to terms with different life situations: a miscarriage, the death of a loved one in the Vietnam war; a political abduction; the ex-pat life; a battered wife; betrayal; Alzheimer's Disease; dr...
365 days to a beautiful LIFE..... Make every morning the best ever yet with thoughts that raise you to greater heights.