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  • An Unexpected Favor
    45.8K 970 38

    Bilbo Baggins didn't expect to have to raise another child other than Frodo, but one night Gandalf came carrying an elf baby and begging Bilbo to help him. Bella is an elf among hobbits and on Bilbo's 111th birthday, she starts to learn the truth of who she really is. The daughter of Lord Elrond. (This story is still...

  • Tolkien University (Modern LOTR AU)
    556 58 21

    "Not all is as it seems at Tolkien University. I originally went because I liked the name. After all, who doesn't like the stories of Tolkien? Who doesn't enjoy the wild adventures and magnificent elves, dwarves, and men. Gathering together to defeat evil? I know I do, but I had absolutely no idea coming to a college...

  • Love is a funny thing
    810 56 5

    Mary Ann and Bain are Best Friends but what happens when 13 dwarfs and a Hobbit come to laketown will they bring luck or Death and destruction |<—

  • Fly (A Thorin love story)
    34.6K 993 20

    I live in Middle Earth. My home is the Village of Light. We are all from the race of fairies. When you first hear the word fairy or pixie you think tiny creature that flies around making plants grow. That is nothing but a fairy tale. We are small, yes, but we are about the size of a dwarf. Some of us live amongst the...

  • Kronika noci
    176K 10.9K 55

    Nara je elfkou z rodu Navareas! Stejně jako všichni z jejího rodu vládne mocnou magií. Nejenže je mocná, ale je i krásná a v její rodné vesnici toto spojení znamená, že by ze svatby mohla její rodina získat obrovský zisk! Jednoduše jí prodají tomu kdo za ní nabídne největší cenu! Možná proto utekla do královského měst...

    8 3 6

    " Can you hear me running, Can you hear me calling you? " His eyes were wide, as he watched Isildur hesitated. The One Ring glowed in his hand, that was not brave enough to let go and let it be destroyed. All these years, all these battles, all for nothing? He remembered the death of his King, Gil-Galad. And of Thrand...

  • Hrůzné povídky pana Morrise ✓
    90.2K 10K 52

    „Děti, jen pojďte blíž, přečtu vám pohádku," pověděl šedivý stařec a hrozivě se usmál, čímž odkryl pohled na těch pár žlutých zubů, co mu zbylo. „Vím, že se těšíte," pronesl směrem k pěti dětem, které seděly v křesle u krbu. Ano, všechny děti seděly na jednom křesle. Jedno vlevo, druhé vpravo, zbylé tři na nich. Jestl...

  • ALFA
    461K 33.3K 123

    Evoluce udělala další krok vpřed. Lidé už nejsou nejvyspělejší rasou na Zemi. Mladá Cristina se toho všeho stává součástí a odjíždí na Ostrov - výcvikovou školu pana MacCartyho pro lidi jako ona. Mutanty. Jejím úkolem a vlastně i všech ostatních lidí cvičených na Ostrově je chránit své bratry a sestry mutanty, kteří...

  • Arenterské kroniky - Síla lásky
    72.6K 3.7K 27

    Čistota krve. O to šlo po celé generace v jejím rodě. Říká se, že když někdo pozná svého druha, je pro něj schopný udělat cokoliv, jenže co když ten, kterého tolik miluje není její druh. Je to jen někdo za koho bojuje, protože ji vidí přesně takovou jakou je. Jen síla jejich lásky ukáže, jak skončí jejich osud zpečetě...

  • Syn nikoho z kdovíkde
    10.4K 1.3K 120

    Je čas sestoupit z hor... Není radno cestovat horami. Kromě loupežníků, pytláků a otrokářů se totiž v Górských lesích potuluje i tajemná postava. Čas od času se ukáže v údolí či zajde do vesnice, ale pak vždy zmizí v hlubinách lesa. Místní se ho bojí, neboť tam, kde se objeví, přijde i neštěstí a smrt. Říká se, že nej...

  • Ve stínu princova meče
    96.5K 5.5K 30

    Jaké to je, když člověk uteče od následníka trůnu, ale je chycen? Jaké je vědět, že osud jednoho člověka, je přímo ve vašich rukou? Jaké to je, když nad vámi neustále visí meč, který může jednou vaší chybou vzít dva životy? Myslela si, že unikla, že je volná, ale on ji nepřestával hledat. Zamilovala se, ale on se ji...

  • Králi!!...Královno?
    19.2K 1.3K 7

    Jedna návštěva Dracmaedownu princi Danielu bohatě stačila. Teď chce jenom odpočívat a připravovat se na vladařské povinnosti pro budoucího krále. Kéž by to bylo tak lehké. Pro koho? Pro ni či pro něj? Druhý díl příběhu Princi!!...Princezno? Obálka od LegacyOfDarkness

  • Krev a slzy [Ukončeno]
    8K 629 24

    Šestá světová válka je v plném proudu. Země je zpustošená a půda je nasáklá krví. Kdesi v osamocené laboratoři byla vyvinuta nová zbraň. Inteligentní zvířata schopná boje ve válkách místo už teď řídké populace lidí. Ještěři. Jednotky těchto mohutných monster se rvou v nehostinných pustinách zatímco ti lidé, kterým se...

  • Spolu
    17.8K 1.5K 20

    Před dvaceti třemi lety část planety postihla přírodní katastrofa. Ostrov Saerth na ni ale byl připraven. Nástupce trůnu Varius III. nechal vybudovat podzemní bunkr, kam se lidé i z okolních ostrovů po zaplacení dost vysoké částky mohli skrýt na potřebnou dobu. Právě proto, když jejich vládce zemřel a na trůn měl nast...

  • The Secret of the Forest
    183K 8.8K 46

    A shadow lies on Thranduil and his forest, and only a power stronger than the darkness of old can save them. Grief and loss have turned him into a king with a heart of ice, and if he is ever to find redemption, the chains of guilt and remorse holding him captive, must be broken. But he is running out of time, and if h...

    Completed   Mature
  • Do Not Go Gentle
    392K 15.1K 56

    Persephone Jackson has survived two wars and quite frankly she didn't want to deal with another one. However, when the gods inform her about the tensions brewing in Middle Earth, the girl with nothing left to lose finds herself in a new world with a new prophecy on her hands. Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Lord of...

    Completed   Mature
  • Gwendolyn
    279K 8.1K 37

    GWENDOLYN BAGGINS HAS BEEN AN OUTSIDER HER ENTIRE LIFE, so when Bilbo Baggins told her she was adopted, it didn't really come as a surprise. To be honest, her height, length and shape of her ears were a dead giveaway. When the time comes that her brother has been tasked with the burden of carrying the Ring to Mordor...

  • The Second Heir
    162K 4.3K 29

    When Gilraen made it to Rivendell, she brought not one child, but twins: Aragorn son of Arathorn, and Emryn daughter of Gilraen. This is the tale of Emryn's part in the War of the Ring, infuriating Horselords, and the struggles of the heart (of which there are many indeed).

  • My Sweet Thing
    3.4K 106 23

    How far will a father go to protect his daughter?

    Completed   Mature
  • More Than A Female
    9.5K 359 14

    Alyssa is a female ranger. But not just any ranger, she is the sister to Aragorn. She's misunderstood and always told she can't fight, so she decided to prove them all wrong. Alyssa took her chance to leave Rivendell and her Godfather and left to Bree. There she became known as Shadow. After being missing for twenty...

  • Consider the Elven Heart [Legolas]
    1.3K 110 1

    Sea Longing. Legolas. An elven heart can only endure so much...

  • Stars of Varda - An Elven Love Story (Thranduil)
    483K 25.9K 53

    [A Wattpad FEATURED story!] She's been King Thranduil's close friend for a long time. But when a shocking rumor about his past comes to light, it shakes her entire world. How well does she really know him? With the threat of war and an uncertain future for the Woodland Realm, her comfortable life is changing forever...

  • Ranger Of The South ||2||
    33.4K 1.4K 23

    BOOK TWO OF THE RANGER OF THE SOUTH TRILOGY Keira is devastated after Thorin's death. Fortunately, she has her friends to help her deal with her loss. She decides she can't stay at Erebor and plans on traveling before coming back for the birth of her child. Will Keira get over the loss of her beloved husband and does...

  • The Unknown Child {Hobbit Fanfic}
    107K 3K 87

    Discover how the Infamous sometimes bull-headed Thorin Oakenshield discovers his long lost (and unknown) child. During his travels, he met his One and had gotten her pregnant. However, not wanting to put her in harms way during his battle to reclaim Moria and mission to reclaim their home, he doesn't stay with her lo...

  • All I've ever known
    240K 7.9K 70

    Love is complicated. Especially if you were forced to marry someone who doesn't even like you. But for Mivera, unlike most arranged marriages, has grown to love the stubborn king under the mountain. Thorin Oakenshield. Little to her knowledge, Thorin feels the same. I do not own any of the characters in this work or t...

  • Who am I? [Legolas, CZ]
    22K 1.5K 26

    Co, když Legolas již není princem? Je on tím, jehož by se mělo obávat? Byl k tomu zavdán nějaký důvod? A Jaký? Ale co, když je to všechno jinak... #1 Lordoftherings #1 Dobrodružný #1 Legolas #1 Tolkien

  • Victory [Pán Prstenů]
    14.1K 909 29

    Východní vítr přes zemi vál, Tajemstvím jejím sešit byl hnědý šat. Květinu Gladden připomíná, Když se její půvabná tvář usmívá. Zelené oči svítí do dáli, Jizva způsobena havraními pařáty. Nikdo jiný Gladden nepozná, Než její meč trpaslíky ukován. - ,,Jste výborná osoba pane Pytlíku, a mám vás moc rád, ale jste přece j...

  • The Hands of the King
    124 16 2

    "The hands of the healer are the hands of the King, and so the true king shall be known." Estel is nothing special. Or so he thinks. Unlike most Men in Middle-earth, he grew up in Rivendell, the House of the Lord Elrond, with no idea that he was one of the Dunedain- the Men of the West, the Kings of Men, descended f...

  • The Sands of Rhun: A Middle Earth Story(Book 2)
    21.8K 1.4K 52

    Easterlings are trained from a young age in the art of war, and most know nothing but battle. Such is the case with one young Easterling named Rukil, who has done nothing but fight since he was a child. Nobody has ever shown him kindness, and he has had to fight just to stay alive. When he meets someone who reminds hi...

  • A Different Kind of Dragon
    63 10 1

    "It's simply not an adventure worth telling if there aren't any dragons." ~Sarah Ban Breathnach A story from Bard II POV as he watches the best Kings of his time, Brand of Dale, and Dain II of Erebor with his son Thorin III. The kings yearn for dragons to vanquish, as a new dragon comes upon them in search of the One...
