Don't worry, it's not as bad as it sounds ... this is just a few of my flash stories. Each write around 1000 words from a range of science fiction, fantasy and horror genres (22 SF, 2 F, 1 H).
Don't worry, it's not as bad as it sounds ... this is just a few of my flash stories. Each write around 1000 words from a range of science fiction, fantasy and horror genres (22 SF, 2 F, 1 H).
Prequel, UNSTRUNG series. In a world where genetically-engineered humans serve as slave labor to “real” humans, ten-year-old Quinn is an anomaly. Designed with superior intelligence and physical attributes, he lives and trains at Maren DeGaul’s lakeside mansion, being readied for some mysterious purpose as dicta...
In this companion short-story to Matt Archer: Monster Hunter, fifteen-year-old Matt Archer finds himself in the Australian Outback on the trail of his latest targets...and hunting hyper-intelligent, mutated Dingoes is not his idea of a great summer vacation. Making things more complicated, Matt's Uncle Mike--aka Major...
A story isn't just a bunch of words slapped onto a page. It's a living, breathing manifestation of your imagination. This guide explores aspects most guides don't touch on such as memorable protagonists, world building, character psychology, and backstory, and many more. It will help you flesh out your ideas and make...
Olivia Murray, a 29 year old successful attorney has had enough with her families intrusion on her personal love life. Mother, father and siblings included have all gone above and beyond the call of duty to try and get her hitched to a man. Just how far is Olivia willing to go to stop the incessant meddling? Will...
Max's life is changing pretty fast - coming out of the closet is one of the most radical things he's done, and not all changes that have come along have been 'good'. A new beginning brings an old face back into his life, and then onwards begins the ride of a lifetime. *Warning: There's a reason why this isn't in Roman...
Bliss has always been different. Because of a condition called CIPA, she’s never felt pain–no headaches, no cramps, no charlie horses. She also can’t sweat, cry or even play sports without endangering her life. And the worst part? She knows she has an expiration date, and it is probably fairly soon -- most people like...
Imagine the second you're born, a consultant removes you from your mother's grasp and runs a battery of genetic and physiological tests on you. Thirty minutes later they give you a score out of one hundred which denotes your level of perfection. If your score is above eighty and you work hard to maintain that score yo...
Now complete! ~~~ It's a bad time to be a superhero. When the world turned its back on metahumans, the golden age of superheroes came crashing down. But now a mysterious supercriminal is making one final bid for power, and with no one else left to protect the world, ex-hero Spook must risk everything to take him down...
The story of Winifred Churchill is part the Voidships Universe and takes place during the Second Boer War 1901-1902. But this is a vignette from when she was young, aged 12 in fact, in 1885.
Hier mam ein paar gruselige kurzgeschichten. Viel Spaß beim lesen.Hoffe es gefällt euch.:-* Achja und nicht vergessen zu kommentieren und voten. Danke eure tiffysweet <3
Wir schreiben das Jahr 7532. Die Sonne verdunkelt sich langsam, denn ihre Energie wurde durch einen fatalen Fehler der Menschheit fast vollständig verbraucht. Sie wird unwiederbringlich verlöschen und Jahr für Jahr wird es kälter auf der Erde. 746 Jahre sind seit dem 4. Weltkrieg vergangen. Ein Drittel der Erdoberfläc...
Ein altes Erbe. Eine fremde Welt. Eine Prophezeiung. Liebe. Hass. Licht. Dunkelheit. Freundschaft. Verrat. Geheimnisse. Wilde, dunkle Träume suchen Erin jede Nacht heim, doch erst nach ihrem 18. Geburtstag erfährt sie was es damit auf sich hat. Sie ist eine Weltenwanderin, eine Wächterin der geheimen Welt von Junis...
The aliens currently governing Earth took Sam and other children to be raised on their homeworld. They tell him humans have the chance to be great. They tell him he'll be a representative of his species. A hero. But the protests that follow Sam's homecoming say otherwise. He and the other cadets are both pitied and de...
The last Epic Story , ist eine Epische Geschichte über die Schattenseite des Helden lebens, voller Gefühle und Geheimnisse, denn nichts ist so wie es zu sein scheint. "Wenn du so denkst musst du schon Erfahrung haben, doch bist du gleichzeitig noch naiv und unerfahren... unwissend, alles ist ein Kampf, selbst das Ein...
Weihnachten, das Fest der Liebe, der Familie, des Streits, der schnulzigen Lieder, großen Gefühle, der Feuerzangenbowle, der Märchen, des Schnees, der Nadelbäume, der leuchtenden, blinkenden Deko, der Geschenke, des Weihnachtsmannes und natürlich der Kinder... Leider bringen große Feste nicht immer nur Glücksel...
Warryn Brex is a mystery, even to himself at times. He must face the fact that he is hated by Elves, and loved by Goblins but is a stranger to everyone else. His magic comes from within, from personal knowledge and not learning at any guild or from a master wizard. In a society where "sorcerers" are almost unheard of...
Sent on an arms-sting operation in Mexico, Donald, a rash young marine, and his partner, Marcus Lud, don't exactly follow their orders. Although they do execute the stated intent of the mission, taking out the drug cartels. By using the advanced DNA homing weapons to kill the original buyers, and then selling the weap...
In an alternate universe the Dutch farmers of the Transvaal have had enough of the British. This is a short introduction to a novel I am working on.
This is an essay I did for my English class and people who have read it have said they want more, so I thought I would share it with you all here on Wattpad. It starts off as a simple science expedition to the Bermuda Triangle to discover the whereabouts of the missing vessels that have disappeared while passing throu...
In 1928 during the Prohibition years, when the Italian mob is thriving and corruption casts its dark shadow over justice, there is still a young man silly enough to think a murderer should stay in jail. Meet rookie Detective Ed Valenti and his mentor, Senior Detective Landau. A woman has been beaten to death in her ap...
SAMPLE OF PUBLISHED BOOK THAT WAS FIRST WRITTEN ON WATTPAD. Fletcher was nothing more than a humble blacksmith's apprentice, when a chance encounter leads to the discovery that he has the ability to summon demons from another world. Chased from his village for a crime he did not commit, he must travel with his demon t...
Wofür opfern wir unsere Freiheit? Wer verteidigt eine Gesellschaft gegen ein skrupelloses Regime? Auf dem weit entfernten Planeten Cyrill erleben die Bewohner eine Krise und tiefgreifende gesellschaftliche Umbrüche, bis eine Entdeckung alles verändert. Welches Schicksal verbindet die Crew der Areion und die Bewohner...
Es sind 50 Entführungsopfer, zwei Gruppen, eine sadistische Psychopatin und ein Wettlauf ums Überleben. Die zwei Gruppen werden auf die Probe gestellt. Wer kann seine Menschlichkeit abschalten und helfen eine geliebte Person zu töten? Wer ist dazu im Stande fremde Menschen, darunter auch Frauen und Kinder auf seinem G...
Sienna Beckham is a powerful witch, and along with her four fiercely protective Keepers, it is her destiny to maintain the balance of nature in this world. Tonight, it's the town carnival and everyone will be there: Sienna's family; her friends; her protectors. Archer. Laughter and flirtation await. But in a few hours...
A lawless city controlled by teenaged hoverboard crews, a bad boy addicted to strawberry milk and a group of misfits who band together to conquer an area formally known as unconquerable. These are just a few of the discombobulating situations Sahara faces when she's accidentally transported to a world not her own. Whi...
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER -- In Cory Doctorow’s wildly successful Little Brother, young Marcus Yallow was arbitrarily detained and brutalized by the government in the wake of a terrorist attack on San Francisco—an experience that led him to become a leader of the whole movement of technologically clued-in teenagers, f...
Prolog Unschuldig und süß. Das war Niall noch, als er einer Muschelspur in eine geheimnisvolle Höhle folgt. Doch nun wurde er von vier heißen, jungen Piraten gekidnappt. Niall kommt überraschend gut mit der Situation klar, doch als der Kapitän das 'Los' gibt, weiß er nicht mehr wo ihm der Kopf steht. Was für ein Los...
Sara ist 20 Jahre alt und lebt alleine mit ihrem Hund in einem kleinem Apartment in New York. Ihr Leben ist nicht besonders aufregend. Das spannendste, das sie bisher in New York erlebt hat war, dass es in der Cantiene ihrer Firma einmal statt Spaghetti Bolognese, Fisch mit Bolognese gab. Doch ein misteriöser Kunde de...