Cold Coffee (Ed Sheeran Short Story)
One coffee shop, two cups of coffee and three days is all it takes to fall in love. All Rights Reserved © xAmberr_1Dx
One coffee shop, two cups of coffee and three days is all it takes to fall in love. All Rights Reserved © xAmberr_1Dx
"Was I alive? Sure. Was I okay? Depends on how you define 'Okay.'" Aaliyah was born to dance whether she wanted to or not. She lived sheltered, in a world far way from realities. A car crash and an amputation shatters any plans of her of becoming a professional dancer as well as the bubble she hid in for many years, a...
We keep this love in a Photograph Vraví sa, že: "Fotoaparát je nástroj, ktorý učí ľudí ako vidieť bez fotoaparátu." a nie je to ďaleko od pravdy. Vo väčšine fotkách si ale radi uschováme lásku, spomienky a pocity, nech sú akékoľvek, radi naň spomíname. Presne niečo také som zažila aj ja. *** „Ale..." šepl...
Stalo sa niečo, čo nechce za svoj život zažiť ani jedno dievča. Nicole sa tomu však nedokázala ubrániť. To čo sa jej vždy zdalo ako nemožný, no najkrajší sen sa stalo jej skutočnou nočnou morou.
„Hej! Máš ryšavejšie vlasy než ja! To nie je fér!" zamrnčala som. „Tak si si ich nemala dať prefarbiť." odvrkol mi. „No dovoľ, ja som sa v žiadnom prípade nedala prefarbiť! To ty si kvalitne zhrdzavel!" nedala som sa. Jej život sa vám bude zdať fádny a nudný, v podstate aj ona sama ho takto berie. Má vlastný svet, vla...
It's okay to be skinny, it's ok to not be skinny. It's okay to have a flat tummy, it's okay to not have a flat tummy. It's okay to have a thigh gap, it's okay to not have a thigh gap. It's okay to not be like her and okay to be you. But she never thought it was but he's going to make sure she knows.
Stuck in a new city, Leylah finds herself in the midst on new faces that push her away. All but a man in a hoodie with raggedy sunny orange hair.
*nadväzuje na prvú časť Photograph* Aj po niekoľkých rokoch som mohla v pokoji povedať, že sa rada pozerám na naše fotky. Pretože mi pripomínajú tú prekrásnu lásku. Nevinná stredoškolská láska. Ak by som však vedela, čo sa stane potom, urobila by som všetko inak. „Nikdy som ti nechcel úmyselne ublížiť, Rachel. Ale od...
unknown - "I finally got a new phone" unknown - "I think this is your number"
Ed. Alice. She left him like a sunburn. Who was she? His songs tell a story about her. She isn't that much of a mystery.