The Adventures of Big Hat Ryan X...by BigHatRyan
The tenth and final installment of the Big Hat Ryan Series. The most ambitious book yet. Big Hat Ryan returns from Hawaii to take the throne as its rightful heir. Howeve...
The adventures of Big Hat Ryan (le...by imtired420
Hello lads and genitals this is a book yeah well no shit I'm pointing out the obvious this is a story driven book and it's fun really maybe ok I'm bored this book will b...
The Adventures of Big Hat Ryan IV...by BigHatRyan
The Fourth Installment of Big Hat Ryan. Big Hat Ryan finds himself between a rock and a hard place. Will he be able to use his magic to save his wife and newborn child...
The Adventures of Big Hat Ryan V...by BigHatRyan
The long awaited and highly anticipated 5th volume of The Adventures of Big Hat Ryan is finally here (even though it's not been a day since the last release). Join Big H...
The Adventures of Big Hat Ryan VII...by BigHatRyan
The eighth installment of the Big Hat Ryan series. Join Big Hat Ryan in the final book of the Big Hat Ryan series. Big Hat Ryan is back and the world is in his palms as...
Join Big Hat Ryan in a plethora of adventures that didn't make the cut.
Dark souls 3 lore DLCby imtired420
Join me on a adventure all the way from the painted world of Ariandel to the ringed city
Dark souls big hat Ryan (legends)by imtired420
Hello this is a primary source by me I collaborated Big Hat Ryan ok Darth Ryan now is his name this is legends not canon
The Adventures of Big Hat Ryan VII...by BigHatRyan
The seventh installment of Big Hat Ryan. After the shocking conclusion of the Big Hat Ryan saga in the sixth episode, the fans wanted more of Big Hat Ryan, so here it is...
The Adventures of Big Hat Ryan III...by BigHatRyan
Join Big Hat Ryan in the third installment of The Adventures of Big Hat Ryan. What has his antics got him into this time? Will he give up the life of a playboy and settl...
The Adventures of Big Hat Ryan VI...by BigHatRyan
In the stunning sequel to The Adventures of Big Hat Ryan V -A New Hope- The Warrior of Patience and Virtue, Big Hat Ryan unveils a power he's been hiding from everyone...
The Adventures of Big Hat Ryan IX...by BigHatRyan
The ninth installment of the Big Hat Ryan series. After the story intensive eighth book, Big Hat Ryan becomes a beloved hero by all known as the one who saved humanity f...