Deutsche Lyrikby MisterPale
Edle Lyrik ist das beste Heilmittel gegen die nüchterne Unrast jeder Zeit. (Rainer Maria Rilke)
about HOPEby lookup_thereshope
"life" - there is so much in life we have yet to learn. Hope, love, pain, loss... There is so much we have yet to see and to experience.
I try to put in words...
poetry of a pitiful 'poet'by quoerk
A collection of poems i've written while being partially asleep and/or on the bus to school.
A letter for the devilby 𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐀
A poem written as a message for the devil in hell about his love.
Journalby Edward Hyde
Eine Sammlung von Kurzgeschichten und Gedichten aus meinem Tagebuch. Zumeist sehr spontan verfasst und nicht zu ernst genommen. Keine chronologische Reihenfolge.