A Tale of Beginning and End: The S...by Shironari Kaifuki
A life for a life, A eye for an eye, A tooth for a tooth. And, Something is better than nothing, even if it is less than one wanted. mostly this is what's the Idiom of t...
The Tales of four Nationsby Maddie Krois
a bunch of short stories I'm writing while figuring out how o write the full length novel ... enjoy :)
The Land Of Sorrow | LOTRby Meowingmushroom
A path had been cut through the wheat field, not wide, just enough to show a person had entered. Rosie followed the path of broken stems to what at first glance was a bu...
Waking Up In Earteniaby Ash_Ne
Waking up in another world is a nightmare come true
I have a question for novel addicts who love to read fantasy books
Do you know how in the world can I unstuck myse...