Lies, Damned Lies and the Carnarv...by William Cross, FSA Scot
In the timeline of Lord George Carnarvon of Tutankhamun fame there are many myths and legends and indeed lies ( including damned lies ). These lies surround the l...
Lordy! Tutankhamun's Patron As A Y...by William Cross, FSA Scot
Tutankhamun’s Patron As A Young Man
By William Cross, FSA Scot
Table of Contents / Chapters
Introduction by Alfred Jones, Ph.D
Forward by the Author, William Cro...
Catherine Wendell and Tilly Loschby William Cross, FSA Scot
Catherine and Tilly : Porchey Carnarvon's Two Duped Wives
The Tragic Tales of the Sixth Countesses of Carnarvon
The Pr...
Carnarvon, Carter and Tutank...by greggorie
"Carnarvon, Carter and Tutankhamun Revisited: The hidden truths and doomed relationships" is a controversial title that concerns Lord George...
How Did Lord Carnarvon Die in Egyp...by greggorie
Lord George Carnarvon the famous discoverer of Tutankhamun ( with his side kick Howard Carter) died in a room in a quaint foreign hotel, not a hospital, that...