Pitching for Hindutva As Caste Pre...by BSMurthy
No mistaking it, in India's socio-religious turf, caste is the divisive creed of the Hindus, largely immune to the cultural credo of the Hindutva, formulated by Savarkar...

On Bashing Manu Smriti, Or Floggin...by BSMurthy
None knows when Manu Smriti had its last sway, if at all, over the Indian polity but still the Hindu castes that it slighted lazily hold it against the Brahmins that it...

Manu's Shadow on Gita's Pathby BSMurthy
When I thought I am done with the study of interpolations in the Gita after my critique, Inane Interpolations in Bhagvad-Gita (An Invocation for their Revocation) I was...

Double 'Hindu' Jeopardyby BSMurthy
Sadly for Bharat that is India, even as its ancient ethos was corrupted by inane interpolations in Bhagavad-Gita, its philosophical source, its post-colonial political c...

Dalit as Deva à la Black is Beauti...by BSMurthy
Maybe, this is an opportune dalit moment for God, who could have felt slighted at their discarding Gandhi's harijan tag but realizing at long last that they were justifi...

Multidimensional Features And Pers...by
Indic academy initiative for publishing content on Shastraas, Indic Knowledge Systems & Indology and to showcase the activities of Indic Academy.

The Unfounded Hindu Slaveryby BSMurthy
No less than Narendra Modi, India's erudite prime minister, had attributed the self-disparaging Indian character to its thousand years of slavery, that too on the floor...

Svādhyāya: Studying Our Holy Books...by
Indic academy initiative for publishing content on Shastraas, Indic Knowledge Systems & Indology and to showcase the activities of Indic Academy.

SABDA YOGA The Language Of Yoga De...by
Indic academy initiative for publishing content on Shastraas, Indic Knowledge Systems & Indology and to showcase the activities of Indic Academy.
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Facts of A Fake 'Idea of India'by BSMurthy
So to say, the Macaulay Minute with Maulana's add-ons thus shaped the fake Nehruvian 'Idea of India' based on the perverse narrative of tolerance of the intolerant and i...

Call For Papers : Conference On Sh...by
We invite scholars, practitioners, and scholar-practitioners to present papers on the above-mentioned topics, or any other subject related to Saivism.

Shakuntala: Beyond The Victim Of A...by
Shakuntala is not a passive-lovable person, who has gone through heart-wrenching periods of sufferings due to the amnesia of her husband Dushyanta.

Have Hindus Become More Intolerant...by BSMurthy
When the Semitic free run on the Hindu turf under Sonia's proxy watch ended with the ascent of Narendra Modi onto the Delhi gaddi, the Indian agendas of the Christian we...

Hindu Theocratic State - Canard of...by BSMurthy
The Hindu fundamentalism is a misnomer, coined by the cunning and subscribed by the naïve, which had come in handy to the Semitic proselytizers to undermine the Indian n...

Incongruities in Indian Constituti...by BSMurthy
Needless to say, the copy (from other constitutions) and paste (in the Indian Constitution) work of the so-called framers of our constitution, comprising of the Semitic...