The Prodigy Bloodbender (Legend of...by Avocado
"You will be the one to pull our clan from the shadows. Avatar Aang might have thought that he ridded our great bending from this w...
The Revolution (Male Reader)by Avatar Daralynne
(Korra X Male reader)
'We were shamed, Noatak was no longer the leader of the cult and I no longer had power in the council... So I am going to ( or already have by the...
Begin Life a New (Korra x Male Rea...by Arjay Lionheart
In this story, you are a young firebender (age nineteen) who has just arrived at Republic City. Where benders and non benders from all four nations live and coexist with...
LOK Korra x Male!Reader Fanfictionby KqmuiC
A non-bender who comes from a clan where everyone is a bender whether they are fire, earth or water benders, reaches Republic City in order to train with avatar Aang׳s s...
Avatar Korra X Male Reader Oneshotby ranger gamer
Read BIO for info. Reader is based on my legend of korra oc
Book 1 - Risen (Avatar Korra X Mal...by LetUseMyFuckingName
Story about you being a nonbending cop in starting Amon crisis, doing your job protecting citizens of Republic City and helping the Avatar.
You don't have to like bender...
Gospel of a Glassbender (Reader x...by der noch unverwundbare
You are an earthbender belonging to a lineage of old masters that has pioneered strange techniques, among them glassbending and other forbidden arts, yet you are also di...
The Legend of Korra: Starving Wolf...by Superior_Cosmic_Fear
Benders have longed been the top of the hierarchy. After the fall of the Fire Nation, a new type of warrior emerged.....The Shinobi.
The Shinobi's were rare, but strong...